Some of them drained away, the rest are now solid.
I suppose going and driving will be very dangerous now.
Some of them drained away, the rest are now solid.
I suppose going and driving will be very dangerous now.
Especially with all the frozen ruts on the side streets.
I can imagine that.
What about the weather forecast?
Temperatures are supposed to remain a few deters below freezing until next Monday, when the high will be 2°C, with daily highs rising slowly to 14°C over the following week.
Sorry, you'll have to explain to me what "deters" are.
I do understand the rest. That means you will have more puddles and lakes. :-(
That's the auto-correct at work, yet again.
It just start snowing here, very lightly.....when is it going to end!
The Archangel
The day before next winter.
If you ever run short of snow, give me a call, I've got plenty.