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4° C, windy, cloudy.


13° C, partly cloudy, wind speed up to 40 km/h. Temperature will drop to 1° C at night.


Evening sky
-19°C and clear skies, with a wind chill of -27°C.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=39288"/>

That's a wonderful blue sky! But I wouldn't want to change with you, because of these temperatures.
the rain is back.It makes it warm I guess and I should be indoors working.sigh.Thats ok if I can find a good movie to listen to.
-11°C, with a few clouds and a wind chill of -19°C. The high, this afternoon is supposed to be -2°C.
5° C, partly cloudy, almost no wind. Temperature will rise up to 20° C today. Rain is expected in the evening.

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