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Weird Problem..... Not Sure If Jailbreak Is he Problem.... Need Help

The odds are that the book you converted was not protected with DRM.

Because, AFAIK, there is no way to remove the DRM from an Apple e-book. So, in that case, you cannot use Calibre to change the file type or anything like that.

So far, if you buy an e-book from Apple, you'll have to read it with iBooks. Sorry.

The odds are that the book you converted was not protected with DRM.

Because, AFAIK, there is no way to remove the DRM from an Apple e-book. So, in that case, you cannot use Calibre to change the file type or anything like that.

So far, if you buy an e-book from Apple, you'll have to read it with iBooks. Sorry.


Hey Mods . . . is discussing how to remove DRM from iBooks acceptable here? We know some things are not allowed; you know what I am referring to. What about DRM removal?

Apparently, there is a way to do it with Calibre, but I'll stop before I say more.
Removing DRM is illegal in some countries, a gray area in others and completely ignored in yet more. It gets too close to morals, laws and piracy in discussion topics.

As this is an international forum - we here at iPadForums cannot allow any discussion of DRM removal tools.

It's just easier all around to make any such discussion an off-limits area.

Thanks for asking.

Removing DRM is illegal in some countries, a gray area in others and completely ignored in yet more. It gets too close to morals, laws and piracy in discussion topics.

As this is an international forum - we here at iPadForums cannot allow any discussion of DRM removal tools.

It's just easier all around to make any such discussion an off-limits area.

Thanks for asking.


That is why I asked and UR welcome.

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Unfortunately, if you buy an epub from Apple, you can only read it via iBooks. This is because of the proprietary anti-piracy coding - DRM - that most booksellers put into their ebooks.

Sorry, but you are in a catch 22 there...

Well that is unfortunate, especially since I considered buying the same book in question from B&N and use their Nook reader app.

Well since we can't talk about DRM removal as a possible solution to this problem (although I think the test with the Apple User Guide above probably worked because it is free since I was able to download and open free ebooks from Apple without issue in iBooks, it is the paid book that gave me the problems) has anyone found a solution that works? Also, I don't get an error message when I try to open the book in question in iBooks. It will usually start to open when I tap on the book, but after the initial "page opening sequence", ibooks will just close within 1-2 seconds.

Maybe it is an additional Cydia software issue that is possibly causing a conflict? In my case, I have several of what I would call the "baseline" Cydia apps for a JB ipad (and why I JB my iPad in the first place), to include:

MyWi 4.0 (w/On Demand)
3G Unristrictor

There are several other, smaller supporting files that come with some of these and/or the JB (I got my list using the "Installed" button in the Cydia store), but these are the main ones. Of note, I know you can do some serious damage with iFile, however, I have been very careful with that program and staying away from system file locations.

So for those of you with JB iPads and no issues buying/opening ebooks w/iBooks, care to share any details about your setup that might shed some insight to this problem?

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