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Well, that`s weird......My totally invisible iCloud photo.


iPF Novice
I went to a link and downloaded a neat wallpaper image for my iPhone ( That little line outlined my screen protector EXACTLY, looks amazing, BTW.). I originally downloaded it on my PC, where it shows as a downloaded image, I then uploaded it into iCloud, and although my photo count increased by 1, there is NO image, or any indication it exists in my photo albums! The kicker: If I go into either the iPhone, or the iPad, and into wallpaper via settings....That image is in the photo album under select wallpaper, and it`s perfect! The original was from a dropbox account of the uploader of a techy based YouTube channel. He used the wallpaper in an iOS 13 beta tutorial video, and posted it`s link in the comments.... We have some Twilight Zone stuff going on here..... The wallpaper, PC download version...Awesome if you have any of the X iPhones .... L
Rainbow City Wallpaper.webp
If the number increased by 1, it has to be on your device somewhere. Do you look at your content in the Photos or Albums tab?

There’s a difference between those two. Albums shows images in the order you’ve downloaded them. Photos displays pictures depending on the date they were created, if the information is available. Your wallpaper must have been created in April 2018. If you take a look at the images taken back then, this wallpaper should be among them.
Headdesk..... And I am totally in the habit of scrolling up to find line art I have scanned in there, some of which was dated as far back as 2008 ! I looked at April..2019....I stopped before I hit 2018....There it is! I Knew it had to be there somewhere, but stopped before I hit the stupid entry. Let`s not speak of this again. Ah, lack of sleep, and huge pre convention rush crunch! Hookay. I still stand by it being really neat wallpaper though. Grrroooaaannn, L

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