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Stephen King's "The Stand", Del Toro's "The Fall: Book 2 of the Strain Trilogy" and The 4th book in the Nina Wilde Series [can't remember neither the Author or title right now!]
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I'm reading The Help and Lies My History Teacher Told Me.
On iBooks, reading The Greatest Show On Earth by Richard Dawkins. Excellent book so far, very clear, concise, and detailed.
Just finished, My Life So Far - Jane Fonda, and ME - Ricky Martin, and am currently reading Patricia Briggs, Wolfsbane. I truly like paranormal romance books, not much on biographies but seeing these folks on Oprah made me want to read their books and they were pretty good... just got to quit watching Oprah, I can't afford to buy the books from everyone she has on her shows.
Just finished, My Life So Far - Jane Fonda, and ME - Ricky Martin, and am currently reading Patricia Briggs, Wolfsbane. I truly like paranormal romance books, not much on biographies but seeing these folks on Oprah made me want to read their books and they were pretty good... just got to quit watching Oprah, I can't afford to buy the books from everyone she has on her shows.

I can't see reading celebrity bios, that's like buying an investment book from someone that got rich winning the lottery.

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