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What do you want to see in the next ios for ipad v1 and for v2

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iPF Noob
What do you all want to see in the next iOS for iPad iPod touch and iPhone

I would like to see

Voice over controls

Multi gestures

That's all I can think of what do you all think.
Multi gestures.
An enhanced keyboard which would use that bar with those three unused options previous, next and AutoFill. Something similar to iAWriter's.

I'd like them to add the capability to hook TWO Bluetooth headsets to an iPad. So my wife and I can both listen to something on my iPad with our Motorola headsets.
Rperez414 said:
I'd like them to add the capability to hook TWO Bluetooth headsets to an iPad. So my wife and I can both listen to something on my iPad with our Motorola headsets.

Don't think Apple would do that since they like people buying there own things not any other company.
AtaRobert said:
Don't think Apple would do that since they like people buying there own things not any other company.

Don't understand your point, apple don't restrict Bluetooth to certain makes as long as they conform to the correct blutooth standard they will work, I use a nokia headset with no problem.
Personal Hotspots enabled by default on iPad 2, without jailbreaking.

FaceTime over 3G, since MANY countries offer unlimited 3G data. Plus, I once heard Apple said the 3G FaceTime thing was decided by carrier. (Maybe AT&T couldn't keep up with consumer usage, and told Apple to block FaceTime over 3G. Thus depriving the rest of the world.)
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