Ip1! I love reading your posts! You are so smart too. Seriously. I have always wanted to JB, but I won't as Beta didn't work for me and I cried, because my poor ipad was trippin ~ and I just don't have time for things that don't work the way they should. But it does now.
But ~
I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about Beta, trust me.If I had someone here to JB my ipad and know what they are doing, I would do it.
I am surprised you have not JB yours. The process fascinates me and I read all I can about it!
Marie, let me say in the past my iPhone 1Gen & 3G be JB and i play a lot with … but too many trouble for the advantage , in every update you have to wait for update many app’s in Cydia doesn’t have update and you can’t be sure of what you download in your device (as is the pirate scene) … so for my 3GS & my Ip4 i keep it factory unlock and i enjoy it as it … so for all the iPad is the same ….. i know well how to do it but i refuse to spend my time to reboot and restore my device so often
I know i will listen ton of comment saying JB is cool …. but does not interest me at all anymore