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What is the point?


iPF Noob
See that there are other browsers out the, on the market. I am also told that the safari rendering engine is it, the only one we get. How do those two ideas mesh? Is there something I'm missing? If so, then could somebody explain what it is that makes these other browsers, aside from occasionally having flash, worth it?
The other browsers may have more options that those offered by Safari. For example, Atomic Web Browser and iCab Mobile offer you the opportunity to ID your browser as other than mobile Safari, which helps in NOT getting mobile web sites. Also, iCab Mobile also offers you the chance to upload files to the web.

Many of the alternate browsers let you customize colors, full screen ability or increase/decrease fonts. In many ways, alternate browsers offer a more fuller browsing experience. For example, I can use Atomic Web Browser to increase the font in the web view. This is a true increase, as in the text wraps, versus a simple zoom as offered by Safari.

The point is that if you want a bit more out of a browser than what is offered by Safari, there are many out there. It is up to the user/buyer to determine what features they want that are not available in Safari.

Again, it depends on what you perceive as "work better." I think Atomic Browser "works better" because I can scale up the text for easier reading (versus zooming way in and then having to pan the page back and forth). Others think iCab is "better" because they can upload files where Safari doesn't.

So, it really is relative. If you find Safari works for you, and you are not missing a feature from your desk top browser that may be found in another app (and that you simply must have), then stick with Safari. It's just that the other apps have features that Safari lacks and people want.

You really have to define "work better" in order to answer that question ... and it really depends on what you want from your browser.

Sometimes, safari doesn't render a page right. Sometimes, it seems slow. Back when I used my Xoom, the main reason to get another browser was because the main one was so slow.
You are unlikely find another web kit based browser on the iPad that renders faster or more accurately than Safari.

The Flash browses do not use web kit. The pages are rendered on remote servers (usually with Firefox) and then sent to the iPad. Flash performance beside the point they may render differently, if not better than Safari.

There is also Opera Mini. It also uses remote servers, and is optimized for speed. Many people find it a faster browser. Again it may render a page differently than Safari, but that doesn't necessarily mean better.

I use Safari almost exclusively, but I do keep four third party browsers on my iPad for special situations.

Puffin - just to test out sites that use Flash or Java; mostly for other users. I have little need.

Atomic Web - to bypass mobile websites when (rarely) needed. iCab Mobile will do this too, but I like Atomic's simpler interface.

iCab Mobile - When I can find no better method to upload something to a site. This is the most feature rich browser of the bunch, but I rarely need any of those features.

Oper Mini - again mostly to test sites for other people. It's fast, but I don't care for the interface.

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