The Mini is my first iPad after debating for years over a regular sized iPad. The delay has not been based on price necessarily, but it really was mainly because it was smaller and more portable and I thought if I was able to take it around with me everywhere that it be a better justified cost if I found it didn't get used. The Mini fits into whatever bag I am toting around every day and is light. After using it every day for hours since launch, it has served its purpose well and I can now see how the regular sized iPad can fit into my life. I consider the Mini an entry level, testing the market purchase that is a big success - and it has great battery life. As much as I would have liked one with retina that is this size, I am not sure they could have produced one this thin and light with retina and I did not want to wait another year to find out. Plus, I was tired of waiting and just wanted one this size. Now I just want a 4, but will wait until the 5's come out.