I have had a kindle for a long time and my ipad will not replace my kindle for a number of reasons. First the ipad is heavier than kindle and harder to hold while reading in bed. Second, i find reading on lcd more tiring on eyes. I do read sometimes on the ipad but continue to use kindle for most reading. With whispersync i can easily go back and forth from kindle to ipad and back to kindle. I also read alot outside and lcd bad in direct sunlight. I found the kindle and ipad to be complimentary rather than in competition. I also have a archos media player and the ipad almost replaces but not quite. For long vacation my archos will go with me as has 500 gb hard drive for movies.
Don't you think that after a while people will get used to the larger heavier iPad form factor? I mean we are talking about only 1.5lbs. The point is the iPad is a full blown entertainment tablet that has eReader capabilities with and entry point of $495.00 why would anyone pay $395.00 for a plain old eReader?
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How many people actually read in bed and for those who do what age group are you in?