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What is Your Favorite iOS 4 Feature?

What is your favorite iOS feature?

  • Multitasking

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • Folders

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • Improved Mail

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Better iBooks (may actually come before iOS4)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other - Add your favorite!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


iPF Novice


Now you can run your favorite third-party apps — and switch between them instantly — without slowing down the performance of the foreground app or draining the battery unnecessarily.



Organize apps into folders with drag-and-drop simplicity. Get faster access to your favorites and browse and manage up to 2160 apps.


Even Better Mail

See messages from all your accounts in a unified inbox, organize messages by threads, open attachments in third-party apps, and more.



PDF file support, Notes, Highlighting and more!

Or you can add your favorite! What do you think?
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I'm really looking forward to the folders, that's one of the few things I've really been wishing would happen since my first night downloading apps.
I'm really looking forward to the Multitasking; however I'm also looking forward to a better email interface and the ability to store PDF's in iBook.
I'm actually leery of multitasking, concerned that it might drain the battery more. iBooks I think is a crap app compared to Kindle. Folders are meh because now I am using iconoclasm to have 5 x 5 icon springboards...but I guess it won't hurt, DEPENDING how they implement them.

The only thing I would like is my mail to be threaded so my GMail account looks right in my box.

Depending on people complaining or not complaining about the multitasking I might not even upgrade.
I'd have to say the MultiTasking bit is the most significant improvement for me. I can live without everything else, but being able to switch between apps and not lose context will improve my productivity. :)

I chose folders, because I don't know if multitasking will really be much faster than app-switching dance that we do now. But at least I hope I no longer lose my navi system when someone calls, texts, or I get a notification.
Folders for me too. Hate cluttered desktops and having to scrub through pages.

You and me both! I've tried some different methods and organization with my icons, but I keep getting some pages overfilled, and some pages nearly empty. Also, sometimes I like to not cover my wallpaper on the home screen in apps because of the pictures, so having some categories and not so much clutter will be amazing.
This is really a nice post, that you have updated us with all of nice information that can be very useful for future aspect. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely multi-tasking. Now I can start Pandora, PocketTunes, Last.fm or one of my other audio apps and continue using other apps (except for YouTube) while listening to streaming audio.

(And yes, I have 4.2 on my iPad)

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