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What other Apple products do you own?

It's been a while since I (think I) posted in this thread.

These are the Apple products I still have.

PowerBook 145: 4 MB of RAM with a 40 MB hard drive
2 - white MacBooks
MacBook Pro: 5 - 6 years old
32 GB iPod Touch (2nd gen.)
32 GB iPad 2 (and my husband has a 16 GB wifi model)
7 - 16 GB wifi iPad minis (1st gen.)
128 GB Verizon iPad Air

I had four others plus a Mac clone (Power Computing), but they croaked or were lost by family members.
Current devices:
iPhone 4S - 16GB, White - currently serves as an iPod
iPhone 5 - CDMA/LTE, 16GB, White - currently serves as my main communication device
iPad mini - WiFi, 16GB, White - serves as a book reader
iPad 4 - CDMA/LTE, 16GB, White - serves mainly for web content
Apple TV - I love iTunes!

Mac mini
Macbook Pro
Been a while since I looked at this thread, so I may have more Apple stuff now. Here goes:

iPhone 4 (now reincarnated as an iPod)
iPhone 4S (work phone)
iPhone 5S (personal phone)
iPad 2
2 Airport Extremes
Airport Express
Apple TV

I think that's about it.

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