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What the &^%!?

Gentlefury - please explain to me which bit of the patent is directly aimed at legitimate users who jailbreak their device, as opposed to those who jailbreak a stolen device in order to remove locks and blocks?

Beyond the fact that i think this is the geek tech press getting their knickers in a twist over nothing IF you are the bone fide owner of the device; Personally speaking, anything which can prevent a thief from using my devices if they're stolen is a good thing - if it makes a few people who jailbreak their device cry.. Well, you know what? I couldn't care less frankly.
Get real, guys. Maybe 0.5% of iPad owners will join this forum, and the vast majority of those (including me, lol) will be far too nervous of screwing up their iPad to risk a problem caused by jailbreaking it.

iam to nervous to do something wrong if i jailbreak it ..so it stock for me ..
Get real, guys. Maybe 0.5% of iPad owners will join this forum, and the vast majority of those (including me, lol) will be far too nervous of screwing up their iPad to risk a problem caused by jailbreaking it.

From Apple's POV, people who jailbreak don't even appear on their radar, either as a threat or even as a group that needs to be listened to. Why should they bother to cater for such a tiny minority?

Admittedly, I have talked to a lot of people that are too nervous to JB and when I mention it they don't even know what it is. Frankly I think they have their iphone or ipad cuz they're stinky rich and someone said it's cool.

However, it's gotta be a higher percentage than the 0.5% that join the ipad forums that will end up JB 'ing their device. Not everyone that plans on JB'ing ends up here. In fact the number must be much higher otherwise Apple wouldn't even care.

Let's take a wild guess and say least 10% of people will JB their phone or ipad. The number could be higher for phone than ipad but between the two.

"Admittedly, I have talked to a lot of people that are too nervous to JB and when I mention it they don't even know what it is."

Just the opposite here for me. Practically everyone I know have JB theirs and their iPhones.
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... Maybe 0.5% of iPad owners will join this forum, and the vast majority of those (including me, lol) will be far too nervous of screwing up their iPad to risk a problem caused by jailbreaking it.

Admittedly, I have talked to a lot of people that are too nervous to JB and when I mention it they don't even know what it is. Frankly I think they have their iphone or ipad cuz they're stinky rich and someone said it's cool.

However, it's gotta be a higher percentage than the 0.5% that join the ipad forums that will end up JB 'ing their device. Not everyone that plans on JB'ing ends up here. In fact the number must be much higher otherwise Apple wouldn't even care.

Let's take a wild guess and say least 10% of people will JB their phone or ipad. The number could be higher for phone than ipad but between the two.
My figure of 0.05% was the based on proportion of members of this forum to total iPad sales. That's ~12,000 out of ~3,000,000, I think, which is a little less than 0.05% (my math is bad and I may well be wrong, lol).

Members here are keen enough to have joined this forum to learn more and are therefore the ones most likely to have a go at jailbreaking, but I suspect most will be like me - rather nervous about it. Even if as many as 1 in 5 of the members of this forum tries it, that is less than 1 in 1,000 of total iPad sales - an insignificant number.
I suspect that Apple would take a lesson from the Amazon debacle of a year ago. I don't think you will find your Apple being shut off if you jailbreak. You may have a warranty problem if you go for warranty service with it in jailbroken state when you send it to Apple or Apple store.
It occurs to me that JB is at least a cousin to overclocking. So how many of you have overclocked your laptop or desktop? It is relatively easy to do and relatively easy to screw things up. At least JB appears to be benign as far as damage to the HW goes. For the record, I already have a Macbook Pro i7 with 8GB ram, and I like the fact that the iP is somewhat hard to really damage with JB. I have too much to learn as it is.

I hope iOS4 for iP does have folders; that is the main shortfall as far as I am concerned. Also I hope that any folder capability would enable us to move files from one app to a folder and vice-versa. Having to go through iTunes to move photos out of iPhoto is a bummer too.

It is nice to have something to look forward to though.
It occurs to me that JB is at least a cousin to overclocking. So how many of you have overclocked your laptop or desktop? It is relatively easy to do and relatively easy to screw things up. At least JB appears to be benign as far as damage to the HW goes. For the record, I already have a Macbook Pro i7 with 8GB ram, and I like the fact that the iP is somewhat hard to really damage with JB. I have too much to learn as it is.

I hope iOS4 for iP does have folders; that is the main shortfall as far as I am concerned. Also I hope that any folder capability would enable us to move files from one app to a folder and vice-versa. Having to go through iTunes to move photos out of iPhoto is a bummer too.

It is nice to have something to look forward to though.

My gf has a windows laptop and for some reason photo transfer doesnt work on itunes. We got the camera connection kit and she went into picasa and transfered the photos she wanted on the ipad onto an SD card popped in the card and transferred all. Pretty easy.
I can't say for sure because im not a developer, but if all these hackers [dev team] can do all the crazy things they have done already with these devices I have complete faith that if apple did implement these disabling features that the dev team would find a way around it.

Maybe if apple would put all these great jailbreak features in the devices all at once instead of giving us just one or two every damn year then they wouldn't have to worry about us jailbreaking the devices.

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