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What will digital magazine subscription costs be?


iPF Noob
While there is already mention of Esquire doing a downloadable format for $2.99 an issue ($2 off newstand price) and that is advertisement free, there is also talks of Men's Health being $4.99 for its iPad format which is right at newsstand price.

I really like the idea of digital subscriptions to magazines on this device (mostly to be earth friendly, save room in my home and to have a large library on the go), but I think full newsstand price might be a bit much. Most magazines give discounts for actual subscriptions shipped straight to your door which comes at a significant discount off newsstand prices (up to half off or more) so I'm hoping their digital editions are treated the same way and come at the same cost as to your door subscriptions.

What say ye guys and gals?
I don't know if you saw that video of how a Sports Illustrated issue might look like but with this type of content I think it may be worth it. I am sorry but I do not have that link handy.

I would think that if they had a 60 second video ad of a sports car and it was viewed 1.3 million times they could charge more for that ad and less for a subscription.
I already subscribe to Men's Health. I'll be overjoyed if they'll let me convert my print subscription to electronic to read on my iPad.
It has to be in the range of the subscription cost of a magazine vs MSRP of the magazine to make sense (50% plus discount).

I'd be all FOR "converting" some of my print magazines to digital - although I did this with Zino back in the table pc day and never quite got used to reading them on my slate. Not sure magazines on the Ipad will be a killer app for me - will have to wait and see what if any interactive features they come out with.
I found it. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntyXvLnxyXk"]HERE [/ame]

Pretty awesome!

That would make it more enticing to spend (a little) more than subscription price... but I still don't know if newsstand price would cut it (for me anyways). I don't mind paying newsstand price for an issue if I am purchasing a one off issue. But I hope actual yearly subscriptions are incentivized and subsidized through new advertising outlets.

Newsstand prices are great for the casual reader who picks up an issue of X magazine on a whim... but hopefully long time readers who show their support through yearly subscriptions will get a break on this digital content and it'll be somewhat (if not significantly) cheaper than newsstand prices. Maybe that is asking too much right now though. After the iPad has been out for a while (maybe 3 or 4 quarters) I think different providers will get a feel for pricing and most other magazines will follow suit and we'll get some fair and affordable pricing for great content.
Wow, really cool...I could care less about sports but I could see it being really powerful for all magazine types! I haven't subscribed to a magazine in a really long time....that could change.
I dont want to overthink it, but it would be really cool if you could catalog the articles of your subscription.

I subscribe to WOOD magazine and I have spent hours looking through old magazines for a tool review or article about something that I read in the past.

They do provide a CD you can buy at the end of each year for this, so it seems it would be a natural for the digital subscription.
I dont want to overthink it, but it would be really cool if you could catalog the articles of your subscription.

I subscribe to WOOD magazine and I have spent hours looking through old magazines for a tool review or article about something that I read in the past.

They do provide a CD you can buy at the end of each year for this, so it seems it would be a natural for the digital subscription.
Try Fine Woodworking it is also a great magazine...
About the WSJ app:
The magazine is charging about $200,000 for each ad spot in each of the first eight iPad issues. The full article is here.
So with that kind of ad revenu hopefully they can not kill us on the subscription cost. That said, I would be willing to pay more for features like cataloging issues and the like.
Try Fine Woodworking it is also a great magazine...[/QUOTE]

I have quite a few Fine Woodworking mags that I have bought, and is a little higher end in my opinion, but I just never subscribed to it. I might if they offer it on the IPAD. I really like FWW's special pubs on reader projects and designs. Amazing stuff!
I have all issues since the first in 1975 to 2007. I thought they regeared their instruction to the do-it-yourselfer and that did not please me much. I'm a pro-woodworker and have been living from it since 1979.

They offer it in PDF right from the site. I might resubscribe...

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