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What would you like to see in IOS 6?

As I'm not a member of Facebook I wouldn't want to see iOS integrate with it.

I do however want more customisation. Should be able to move multiple icons at once opposed to just the one. A better camera. Widgets on the lock screen. Perhaps some work on the theme itself. I want folders to look less - ugly..I want to put unlimited items in a folder not restricted to 16. Should have an app store Download manager. It really annoys me when I search for ages on the store and find an app. I then download it and it takes me out of the store. It then takes 10 minutes to get back where I was. I want to be able to be at work and drag and drop files on to it. So I can use it as some sort of external hdd. Bluetooth to be able to see Devices other than just apple. Oh and quite an important one...FLASH!!!

There's loads more I want just don't have enough time ATM.
As I'm not a member of Facebook I wouldn't want to see iOS integrate with it.

I do however want more customisation. Should be able to move multiple icons at once opposed to just the one. A better camera. Widgets on the lock screen. Perhaps some work on the theme itself. I want folders to look less - ugly..I want to put unlimited items in a folder not restricted to 16. Should have an app store Download manager. It really annoys me when I search for ages on the store and find an app. I then download it and it takes me out of the store. It then takes 10 minutes to get back where I was. I want to be able to be at work and drag and drop files on to it. So I can use it as some sort of external hdd. Bluetooth to be able to see Devices other than just apple. Oh and quite an important one...FLASH!!!

There's loads more I want just don't have enough time ATM.

You can actually get 20 apps in a folder and there will never be flash on the iPad as Adobe has now stopped development of it for all mobile devices.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
leelai said:
You can actually get 20 apps in a folder and there will never be flash on the iPad as Adobe has now stopped development of it for all mobile devices.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Agh my mistake. Yeah I did read somewhere that Adobe was going to stop developing flash for mobile devices. Still it is a shame as there is a he'll of a lot of sites out there that work with it.

My mistake about having 20 apps in a folder instead of16. I still think they should sort that out. Seems strange why they do that. I have 4 games folders on my pad. Would be much more logical for them to be in one place.

Oh well I'm sure will do this one dat.
Well, these may actually be more iterative than really worth a new OS version (maybe like an iOS5.2), and app developers/tinkerers should lurk in threads like these for ideas, but ...

1) Quicker way to turn Bluetooth on or off than going to the Settings. I use a Belkin keyboard folio for my iPad 2 (love it), but don't want the keyboard OR Bluetooth on all the time (to save battery), so I find myself going through the rigamarole more often than I'd like.

2) For the times I'm not willing to turn the keyboard/Bluetooth on (just a quick text input like a search, for example), a 'Select All' button on the front page of the software keyboard. I've already tapped on the text input field; now I have to tap it again, and wait for the 'Select All' button to pop up, then hit it, then begin typing? Yuck.

3) As someone else suggested, a quicker way to close apps.
I would like some more "basic" customization options, such as:
  1. Ability to use different keyboards. Someone already mentioned Swype, but any choice beyond their "one keyboard for all" mentality would be welcome.
  2. Ability to change your default browser. Pretty sure you could do this way back in Windows 3.1 (and possibly before). Why I can't do it in 2012 is beyond me.
  3. Make the email signature option part of the email ACCOUNT, vs the device. This would allow different email signatures for different email accounts. As it is, the email in iOS is basically useless to me as I have a dozen different email accounts all requiring different signatures. This is just basic email functionality that should be added.
  4. Some more screen customization options. I love my Android phone (and customize the living bejeezus out of it), but I'm not suggesting it needs to be that customizable. Just the ability to have the same app show up on multiple screens or move the icons around so maybe some are on the left and some are on the right would be welcome. Quit forcing uniform rows of icons on me!
  5. Being able to have access to the file system from my PC via USB, similar to my phone. Makes copying files around so much easier. I assume that's too "dangerous" for Apple to allow us "dumb" users access to though.
  6. As others mention, ability to password protect apps or set up different profiles for other family members.
main problems i have are:
can't put photos directly on facebook, unless i'm just dumb
email cannot verify server fairly often, like once a month, i don't even know what that means
now i've got exchange, which helped my situation suppossedly, now today it cant veryify exchange and the ipad2 is completely frozen.
i guess i go to the store, but the geniuses only seem interested in selling me more stuff, not making my ipad2 actually do the extremely basic work i bought it to do.
AND the @ key should be on the front screen when putting in an email address.
and the undo key should be harder to hit, i have tried that losing your whole paragraph situation.
i want to love this thing, but a little hard when i have to go to the store again, esp after last time it was not helpful at all, but my thing is totally frozen.
can't put photos directly on facebook, unless i'm just dumb

You can do this from the Facebook App (click photos and "choose from library" and then you can choose from your gallery).

I don't know why they don't add all these "share" options. Not to compare the operating Systems, but my gallery is so nice on my Android phone. I just press Share and I get about 20 different options (Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Flikr, Google+, email, etc). Pretty much any app I have installed that can handle sending a picture to is available to share the picture to (even the several SMS apps and 2 different Twitter apps that I have installed).

On my iPad I get "Message, Tweet, and Email" as the only sharing options (yes, there's some other options there such as print or copy, but that's not sharing)

Maybe there's an alternative gallery app I should be using on my iPad that would have better share options? Or a way to add more options to the stock Photos app? Anyone know of a better one than stock?
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Where do I even begin! Bluetooth that hasn't actually been limited in any way meaning I can share pictures and/file with other people with 'normal' phones/notebooks.. Or how actually being able to move pictures into albums as opposed to just linking them while the camera roll becomes impossible to work with..
Put web pages back in little squares by bookmarks.

Fix the ipod app to work like it did in os4. I lost my library in the (worst ever, yet..) 'upgrade' to OS(hit)5

Or the chance to go back to previous OS if you don't like the latest version. How many would?
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Sharing web pages, photos, etc. for all social networks (or at least the most popular ones); not just Twitter.
Honestly people, how about REMOVING twitter as opposed to adding more social networking gumph!

If folks want to use twitter, tumblr, facebook, Wordpress etc.. then download the bloody app!!!

Let's focus on OS related stuff like actually getting so called default features to work correctly (see my previous post).

Why add more clutter when so much 'normal functionality' still needs to be improved.
Yes, agreed. OS5 just added more clutter/crap to the ipad.

Give us the basic OS and you can always add any apps you want through the app store.

Why have certian apps burned into the OS?

At least the screen rotation lock still functions.
One thing I want most is proper multi tasking.now only few apps are able to function in background.like yahoo and music app. Rest freezes in the background. I hope iOS takes a leaf from symbian and support proper multitasking.
Anything else like wifi and all in notification area is. Bonus for me.
As a coach for retirees in my region, I find it frustrating that I can't provide online support to iPad users through TeamViewer or any other technology for that matter. It should be very simple given that my screen and activities in apps are easily displayed wirelessly using Apple TV or via an HDMI cable direct to the TV (exception is some videos- which is irrelevant to my purpose).

Why is Apple allowing me to support retirees using Mac Pro, iMacs, MacMinis, MacBook, MacBook Pro/ Air, and yet the most rapid growth area for this region's retirees - iPads - can't receive this support (a number of these folks are many miles away from any Apple Store or Certified Dealer).
I just hope it's easy to jailbreak but I doubt it. Obviously they will find a way but it seems to be taking longer and longer

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