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What would you like to see in the new os?

What I'd like to see on the iOS 4 for ipad is:

1. wireless sync. Also if I 'expose' my home PC to the internet, the wireless sync can also be an internet-sync when I take my ipad to wifi hotspots.

2. Different styles of keyboard, particulary one that is split in two in horizontal orientation so I can reach all the keys with my thumbs.

The size of the keys (and thus the size of empty space between the split)should be scalable by a control panel so people with different size hands can adjust it to suit their size hands.

3. It would also be nice if you could have a assortment of extra keys (like 'tab') that you can drag & drop onto your custom keyboard because you personally use them frequently, and drop infrequently used keys ('.?123' in TWO places taking up more than 5 keys real estate FFS! Seriously who thought that was a good idea?!)

4. Printing although that's been done to death so I think they've got the message now!

5. Assuming we're getting folders, folders I can drag onto the dock please! Why can't I have folders on the dock that open up like stacks in OSX?! 6 dock icons is a bit limited.

6. Given the gap between icons in Horizontal orientation is engineered artificially large because the same number of icons have to be squeezed in Vertical orientation, give us the option to 'stick' the dock to the longest part of the screen, and just rotate the icons. We can then pack teh icons more tightly, because we don't need to keep them as artificially far as they are. Bascially, when you rotate your ipad to portrait the dock goes to the left-hand side, and the icons rotate so they are the right way up.

7. Widgets. Take a row of icons away (optionally user gets to decide in their settings) and let developers create permanently running apps that take up a 256 x 256 pixel square (if that is the right size?) for a microapp. Seriously limit how much memory it can take up, and processor cycles, or it'll kill the ipad's battery-life, or multitasking ability. give one of the colours transparency or it'll look crap. These Widgets should only ever be 'free' and iAd free or it'll never work.
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I didn't do my homework before buying mine or I might not have done so. FLASH ! We need FLASH!

I do want to touch on this flash debate even though we know it won't be coming in an IOS update.
I did do my homework on the ipad but purchased a second hand unit anyway with the intention of selling it at no loss should it not meet my needs. Now I can honestly say that as a device that supplements my laptop for computing needs, I have never missed the flash functionality and I understand what Apple are doing with their stance on Flash. I still would have prefered if they had gone about it a little different i.e.
ship the iPad with no Flash support but allow third party apps to use flash if needed. That way they make a statement and a lot of people would use the device as is without actively searching out a Flash solution - these are the kind of people that don't actually need flash. That leaves the others that do need it with an option of still using Flash on the iPad.
While some might say this defeats the purpose of what Apple is trying to achieve, I believe it is a stepping stone while suitable alternatives mature.

If I really needed Flash then I woudln't own an iPad in all honesty.
Hi Donka this is just what i wanted to know. Why is it omitted? And why aren't you bothered by it. Don't you come across site after site that has flash? Is there some way round it? Why are there so many saying this is a deal breaker.

I would love to know the answers. Thanks.

I don't know the full in's and out's but the biggest bugbear with Flash is how inefficient it is and how it can bring a powerful PC to it's knees at times depending on how it is utilised on a web site. There are other concerns surrounding security with Flash I believe and Apple are using their leverage to try and force the move to more efficient solutions.
I've seen PCs lock up for minutes on end due to flash and even my personal laptop which is quite powerful can take a hit at times.

Many people consider this a deal breaker if they regularly visit sites that require Flash to function and there are other people who simply believe it should be there choice whether to use Flash and therefore will not use an IOS device for that reason alone.

I personally believe having Flash support that I could enable at will on my iPhone / iPad would be welcome purely for completeness sake when it comes to browsing. In truth, I don't have any sites that I regularly visit actually depend on Flash. The only one I do really use is the BBC site for football highlights / live commentary but I will revert to my laptop in that instance - usually once a week at most. I do occasionally notice the 'Flash missing' icon from time to time when surfing but this is usually advertising or similar and in this case I'm happy not to have something additional that I have no care for using up bandwidth and performance.

Truth is, the closest I came to a deal breaker has been the lack of Poker clients in the App Store purely because the iPad would be a perfect host for them but the pros really do outweigh the cons for me overall - it's a fantastic device for the vast majority of what I do.
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I did do a search but didn't come up with much. I'd like to see this discussion, was it heavy? Maybe you could direct me. Thanks.

Kinda sore subject around here ~ all the bitching and whining ~ a horse well beaten to death, one could say.

Concensus is that one should have known there would be no flash ~ not get the ipad then bitch about it.
I didn't do my homework before buying mine or I might not have done so. FLASH ! We need FLASH![/

. . . I understand what Apple are doing with their stance on Flash.

Hi Donka this is just what i wanted to know. Why is it omitted? And why aren't you bothered by it. Don't you come across site after site that has flash? Is there some way round it? Why are there so many saying this is a deal breaker.

I would love to know the answers. Thanks.
Oh! That's simple. You have to forgive our manners. During the first months of the iPad, many bashers came on this site to downgrade or criticize or bluntly hit us. Their strongest argument was that iPad does not do Flash or arrow keys. This instinctively raises up barriers in our personal defenses since we love the iPad.

Col, as a moderator, barely has time to filter what is legitimate from the trash he has to cast aside so he relies on those automatisms such as Flash discussions to make quick decisions. He's a great guy, a tired guy...

This being a sizable site, now, it is strongly encouraged that one makes a little research before asking specific general questions. Since some subjects such as this one have been discussed throughout the site some time ago we would have to do the research for you.
Personally speaking, I think the iPad is and will continue to be for some time, the best tablet device from a size and software perspective.
I think the lack of left/right keys is as much to do with the size of the device and the touch interface - we are used to keyboard shortcuts etc. and it takes a little training to adapt to a fully touch driven interface. We can do pretty much everything with a mouse on a regular PC / Mac but we still strike for the keyboard for a lot of tasks as it is simply quicker. Some things have to give to allow a good sized keyboard on the iPad and it must be a tricky proposition for the IOS developers to try and nail the best balance for the majority of users.
I do think it is simple though, if you NEED Flash on a regular basis and don't have easy access to another machine for this purpose then the iPad is not the device for you. Apple may well have lost sales through this decision alone as well as open the doors for criticism but that is their prerogative regardless of how you feel on the matter.
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I truly feel at this time that I had better not risk asking any more questions because I risk responses like col.bris and the not so sweet poison.
This is an open forum where people are encouraged to speak their mind... as long as we are civil towards each other and there are no personal attacks.
Please understand personal attacks in these forums are not allowed and users will be banned. I appreciate the comments made to me.

I suggest we get back on track discussing what we want to see in forthcoming os4

Thank you

Col.Bris Super moderator
Syncing over WiFi...
I just can't imagine this being in the far too distant future (which is probably just wishful thinking on my part), but there are already apps like the GoodReader program that lets you transfer content to and from your iPad over your home WiFi network.

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