As a college professor, I create and use slide presentations all the time.
It's easier to create more complex and engaging presentations with Keynote on my iPad than with Microsoft's PowerPoint on my MacBook Pro.
Keynote has expected features like a "Presenter's Notes" option.
Creating presentations is a more tactile experience: You can use your fingers to move objects and text on a slide or one or more slides to a different section of a presentation.
An added feature is the ability to import Microsoft PowerPoint templates.
I'm currently exploiting the hyperlink function to make some of my workshops more nonlinear and responsive to participants' interests: Basically, I've created some Keynote presentations that are prototypes for apps.
I have only two complaints:
1. Creating transitions is a pain but only if they are all left to the end.
2. The number of crashes that could in part be due to the number of hyperlinks in my most complex Keynote presentation. Hopefully, the latest Keynote update will address this issue. (I haven't had a chance to check on all the latest changes in the update.)