You should seek Memento... it is an unusual story told in an original way - one of my favorite all time movies! We discussed it all the way home, and for several days afterward.
I just saw Despicable Me. I really like deep, soul-searching movies.
step up in 3d!
Beneath hill 60. Great true Australian war movie.
Love Memento. Definitely should see it if you have not.
I saw Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Great geek movie. Highly recommend!
it funny how one person who will love the movie and the other person can not stand it ..that movie for me was nurse betty ..i could not stand that movie in threate or dvd girl thinks it a really great movie and has on her ipad for watching ..
but my girl thinks some of my movie taste are a little stange for i like some movie and other i will not watch i have my tv shows that i like and she goes they make no sense to her like two and half men i love that show for personal reason ..for i use to be charlie there in my younger days iam more like alan
Ironically, the last movie I saw was called "the last movie you saw"
Ironically, the last movie I saw was called "the last movie you saw"
And what was that about?
It is funny how one can love a movie and one can hate it
another movie i loved but my girl did like but did not love was Sweet Home Alabama ..for me i understood the woman more than my girl did for i came from a small town background and when i took my girl to see the small town that i grew up in for we went back to the high school class reunion .. she was like you where not kidding about rolling up the sidewalks when it got dark around here along with haveing everyone in your life and your personal business when it came to liveing in the town ..
she tease me a little about beening a little redneck white trash at times when it comes to some of my ways and manners . she learn that small town life is not allway what it like in the movies and how a lot of the kids growing up wanted to get away from it as soon as i was old enough i left for the military and had not been back for a while only to attend my mom and dad funerals and that was it ..
Ironically, the last movie I saw was called "the last movie you saw"
And what was that about?