me too! I thought it was going to be very bad actually but it was good
Gabriel1 said:Horrible Bosses, way better than I was expecting!
The Archangel
How cute is that avatar I ask you!
Gabriel1 said:Horrible Bosses, way better than I was expecting!
The Archangel
kingnba6 said:salt
singlestick said:Doing my holiday movie marathon. Saw Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol. Lots of fun. The audience applauded one stunt in particular. But the best films for me were The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Tremendously enjoyed Rooney Mara's brave performance. She is the heart of the movie. And the other great film was the latest adaptation of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Great story and acting, especially by Gary Oldman. The only downside to Tinker is that it really helps to know the novel.