well you can go to the movie screenings still before they come out, and for free.
Don't need to know some reviewer to get in, just need a pass for the movie showing. The movie companies show advanced screening all over the country, normaly there are a couple movie reviewers with note pads taking notes but the rest of the people are just there to see the movie. This is part of their marketing and they try to fill these screenings so that there are no seats left . The idea is that this group of people who see the advanced screening with then all go tell their friends about it if they ended up liking the movie. LOL I dont know why but I tend to enjoy the movies alot more when they are free.
Anyone can go over to websites like GoFoBo.com and setup a free account. Watch for screenings in your local area, they will normaly add new movies with the status as Private. Once it gets a few days or a week away from the screening they then change the status to Open Screening. When this happens you can print out movie passes for either 2 people or 4 people. They give out more tickets then there are seats in the theater just to make sure its a full house so if you end up going to one, get there a little early.
Last summer I was going to about 3 or 4 per week, but now ive been busy with work.