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what's your favourite game on the iPad?

I'm really enjoying the game Say What You See, it's a visual game where you guess different things from pictures, see below


This might not be a very clear example, but bottom right hand side of picture is HRH Queen Elizabeth, so the band name is Queen, it must be easy if I can do it LOL.

Its reasonably priced at 69 pence per canvas, and your first one is free, hope you enjoy this as much as me guys.
If you like board games this one is quite cool on iPad - Ticket to Ride

I love Ticket to Ride! Wholesome fun best enjoyed with company. One of the few board games on the iOS that actually exceeds the original board game's playing experience. Just my personal opinion.
I like Crumble Zone and Angry Birds Star Wars. Temple Run is all too familiar now but still very enjoyable. For kids, I like Maddie and Matt's Safe World because it's very timely and educational. :)
world of goo is a must have
recently ive been playing angry shark evolutions & indestructible
+ gotta love stratego.. awesome board game
Has anyone tried the back to the future games? It creates a whole new story you can interact with. Its great. The first one was free but the others are 1.99 each in the UK. Ive tried part 1 and 3 and am considering buying all five parts. Part two is a bit short according to the reviews but its great for any BTTF fans.
I´m From Finland and of course I´m still playing Angry Birds. The whole country seems to lose their minds for that. If you walk into a grocery store, every where you can find Angry Birds stuff in sale. When I look out from my apartment, there is an Angry Birds park on the other side of the street. (not the nicest thing when you are in a hangover, and all you can hear is little children playing and screaming :)

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