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Whats your favourite ipad app?

fav apps

Book Creator - makes books
Aurasma - augmented reality
Tellagami - narrated animations
Stick Around - solve and create puzzles
Pic Collage - makes picture/photo collages
Snapseed - photo editing
Dragon Dictation - record notes
Coast browser provides a very well designed and efficient GUI. After a bit of learning how to use COAST it is becoming my favorite browser. If anyone wants my specific comments on how to use Coast let me know.
My preferred app is "Sound Hound", that allows to identify a song that is playing. Would like to find an App to "clean/delete" unnecessary data.
New to the iPad and was wondering what everyone likes to use them for?

My all time favorite is Key Ring. No need to carry all those dangling cards for store discount on you or on your key chain any longer. They are all stored on my iPhone (oops just realized I'm on the wrong page....just bought both iPhone and iPad and trying to learn both.

Just found a new favorite. BGluMon to record your blood glucose levels. Simple. No unnecessary functions. Does just what it says and when purchased for the iPad, you also download a version for your phone and you can sync between the two. Wonderful!
Chapters for notes, especially when travelling. You can add photos.
Zinio for magazines
Skitch, haven't used much yet

Links to my favourite news stations and papers
Expedia, etc

if i like a recipe, I take a photo of it
Favorite iPad app

My favorite app currently is Next Issue - great for those of us with a magazine habit - cheaper than buying them all and, even better, I don't have to store or recycle them. :)
I'll add my new favs:

--IPF app
--Apps Gone Free
--Yahoo Sports
--Dark Sky...just love this app. Very eery that it is so accurate!

I'll be looking into Firechat, too when I get a chance.
My favorite is Pocket Informant, a very robust calendar, task organizer app that synchs up nice my ipad3 and iphone5. I use it constantly. Second favorite/ heavily used app is Evernote.

My surprise I use it much app is Measure HD. Got it for practical reason for converting different measurements, currencies etc. but end up messing around with it converting stuff just for curiosity's sake .
My favorite app is Photo Candy.

It's a great app for adding patterns and shapes to your photo. I love it because it gives me full creative control over the designs I make where as other apps confine what you can do.

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