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Where are you ipadding from?

I'm finally back here after a busy school year and I'm glad to be back. I have a few weeks off then I'm teaching summer school for 4 weeks. I've missed all of you on the forum!

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I'm out in our garden retreat, enjoying a lazy lunch and seeing the garden. :)




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I am on my deck and the sun is just now breaking through the Orchard. my Bridal Wreath Spiarea is now as tall as the railing and the Montana Clematis dwarfs my little shop.Time for coffee and to call the dog out of bed.She likes to lie in.

I am on my deck and the sun is just now breaking through the Orchard. my Bridal Wreath Spiarea is now as tall as the railing and the Montana Clematis dwarfs my little shop.Time for coffee and to call the dog out of bed.She likes to lie in.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42828"/>

That's idyllic, Dianne.

Aren't these summery days glorious. :)

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Frauenkirchen, too early for ensemble to start. Still have to wait 15 minutes.


Sorry, iPad 2 took the pictures. :-(
Mühlen in Taufers, South Tyrol.

Waiting for today's first rehearsal at 11:00 am, about an hour from now.

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