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Where are you off to next?

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SweetPoison said:
Good morning, woman! WAKE UP!
Good Morning to ya, SP.

OMG, I love Starbucks extra bold coffee. I'm already working on my 3rd cup!

Sent from my iPhone 4 using iPF
I will have to take of to Starbucks now!!!!

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
L.A., Orlando, Frankfurt, Verona, Venice, Roma, Switzerland, and back to Lizard Spit, Arizona. No, I'm not rich, just stupid and bored.~:o~
SaberOne said:
L.A., Orlando, Frankfurt, Verona, Venice, Roma, Switzerland, and back to Lizard Spit, Arizona. No, I'm not rich, just stupid and bored.~:o~

Nice, can I go to? I don't mind been bored like that... Lol. Have fun!

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
give me 3 hours n i'll hopefully be making a trip into the post office to pick up a very special parcel ;) hehe (ps. how many posts do i have to have for my custom profile pic to show?)
Flying to Barbados. :D 4 weeks in paradise! Hot tropical sun, turquoise sea and Mount Gay rum!!!
Still can't decide whether to take my iPad2 or see if I can live without it for a month. The latter will probably be my final choice as I'm sure I'll have too many distractions to stop me getting iPad withdrawal symptoms.
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