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Where can I download Mozilla firefox for the iPad ?

Why are you calling me a child ? Edit - I'm 22 years old.

Because you ask the same question over and over again even though its been answered. This is something I experience each day in my classroom... thus I figured you were young. Maybe you should re-read your posts and perhaps you'll see what I'm talking about? Not to make offense but several members have posted thoughts that you were trolling... I was giving you the benefit of the doubt thinking you were young. If neither is the case, consider your posting style and maybe reflect on manners?
I'm not trolling I just don't put enough effort as I should into my posts so I may sound like I'm asking the same question over and over again.

There are so many browsers, that each have unique features, you really need to state what your end needs are - do you want tabbed browsing, or ability to d/ l files. You want to be able to view flash, etc, etc, etc.

The more specific the questions, or description of wants / needs and you will get better answers. It is just like data - garbage in, garbage out. Good luck in your search.

BTW- the best all around browser I have used, with many other browser emulations is ICab Mobile. It costs $1.99 on the app store.
I want a browser that can view flash and can run flash games for my iPad.

No such fish. And with Apple's policy on Flash there is almost no chance you'll see it this decade. You are wasting your time asking this, in various modes and threads over and over again.

The closest you'll get is the Skyfire browser, and that will only let you watch Flash video on some sites, and minor Flash actions on others, like FaceBook. And they need a big server and some minor magic to achieve that much.
Where in minnesota are you located

I am thinking about throwing the ipad out the window and need suggestions where in st. Cloud Mn I could find help. Want to use for audio books and also am only used to windows so really lost. iS THERE A STORE OR REPAIR SHOP THAT HELPS. Want to use great river regional library and am going crazy. Really need to understand. Trying to learn how to delete a app also. So stupid but would pay to have help. Sorry for being so dumb. Do I download mac applications? 16g wifi with verizon as provider
I am thinking about throwing the ipad out the window and need suggestions where in st. Cloud Mn I could find help. Want to use for audio books and also am only used to windows so really lost. iS THERE A STORE OR REPAIR SHOP THAT HELPS. Want to use great river regional library and am going crazy. Really need to understand. Trying to learn how to delete a app also. So stupid but would pay to have help. Sorry for being so dumb. Do I download mac applications? 16g wifi with verizon as provider

I live in the twin cities and would be more than happy to come up and help you out, just PM me.
Well I admit I was hankering for Mozilla Firefox too. :o

Guess I will be learning how to use Safari (tried it in the past on my pc, but just liked Firefox better) but will whip myself into the future. When I think about it, I have hundreds of favorites saved, but probably only use about 20 or 30 of them on a regular basis, so will get them set up in Safari. I figure if my 92 year old mother can use a cell phone and is a texting mavin, I can move on to new technology too (before Alzheimer's takes over...LOL). Thanks for all the info in this interesting thread. ;)
Firefox is hopefully coming to iOS since they have been slowly working on their android version, which I personally have....and really didnt like.

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