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Where do YOU get your iBooks from? (for those that don't buy em)

Stanza then goto ******* and add them as a repository (do via website, it's easy). Very awesome. Initially I disliked straying from iBooks cause of the pretty bookshelf but now I find Stanza the better eReader.
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I have never downloaded a book from limewire that I didn't purchase. If I kept all my books I would have to live in the NYC library. I saved all the .lit books from years ago and have converted them using calibre. I have to admit I like having the Harry Potter books this way and since I have purchased hard backs, paper backs and British editions I don't feel so bad.

Memoware has free books but I can't remember the format right now.
I have never seen that "Steal this Book" before! That's funny! Will have to go research it now :-)

Amazon and Smashwords are great for FREE books, but Smashwords just aren't formatted as nicely as I'd like....might sound like a complaint, I realize they're free, but I just think Amazon does a great job.

Does Barnes and Noble or Kobo books offer any freebies? I never checked.

Yes, but many are formated (and uploaded) by smashwords, so you'll have the same formatting.

I know I take extra care with my smashwords formatting. It usually takes 3-4 tries, but it's possible to get nice, clean formatting with smashwords.
Im looking for the same thing... I usually buy the paper books, but just got an ipad, doesnt make sense to buy the paper version and the ebook. Curious if theres a repo out there with new bestsellers/biographies?
Not sure you can actually read...

I already own the physical books, just got my ipad, want the E-book and was curious if theres a place to get them.... Dont want to actually have to buy the e-book since I already own the physical one.
P.s. I prefer better real book than my ipad. Just using it more to watch movies or read daily news.
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I'm going to start getting mine from the library. BlueFire Reader now supports library loans. I also see that OverDrive is coming out with their own IPad reader app that will make getting library books even easier. I can't wait.
I just found out about the Bluefire app a few days ago and it is long over due! (No pun intended!). I really think the OverDrive people got sold a bill of goods when they decided to go with Adobe Digital Editions because it shut out all of the Apple mobile device users. I guess they were the first (and probably only?) company to develop a DRM scheme that would only allow the publication to be viewable for a specific length of time.
I just found out about the Bluefire app a few days ago and it is long over due! (No pun intended!). I really think the OverDrive people got sold a bill of goods when they decided to go with Adobe Digital Editions because it shut out all of the Apple mobile device users. I guess they were the first (and probably only?) company to develop a DRM scheme that would only allow the publication to be viewable for a specific length of time.

Bluefire sounds great. The capability to get library books is HUGE. Is it pretty user friendly?

ETA: Never mind. I just saw your post in the Epub thread. Search is your friend. Thanks!
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