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Where's the ARROW keys????

Life is about learning to live with restrictions, both individual and environmental .....
Enjoy your iPad for what it can do.

Wow, Apple really does brainwash people. I would shudder to think what a world that lived by that principle would look like.

It is called America. It is the guiding principle of government and business. It is called compromise. Only lawyers, politicians, and idiots think that there are not limitations. Usually they think there are no limits to our money.

You can have 48 hours of battery life, if you are willing to put up with more size and cost. You can have every connection you want, provided you add cost and size. And you can have a core 2 duo processor if you want put up with the price and size. An iPad is a great device, but so is a 27" iMac. It is like buying a 2-seat sports car and then being mad because it can't tow your boat or haul a family.
Life is about learning to live with restrictions, both individual and environmental .....
Enjoy your iPad for what it can do.

Wow, Apple really does brainwash people. I would shudder to think what a world that lived by that principle would look like.

It is called America. It is the guiding principle of government and business. It is called compromise. Only lawyers, politicians, and idiots think that there are not limitations. Usually they think there are no limits to our money.

You can have 48 hours of battery life, if you are willing to put up with more size and cost. You can have every connection you want, provided you add cost and size. And you can have a core 2 duo processor if you want put up with the price and size. An iPad is a great device, but so is a 27" iMac. It is like buying a 2-seat sports car and then being mad because it can't tow your boat or haul a family.

While I totally agree with your statement here, we're talking about a keyboard. There is no technical reason why they couldnt allow other layout. The only thing you would have to give up for it is Apple's philosophical concept of simplicity and control of the UI. All you can do is hope Apple hears the requests of its users and makes accommodations (like multitaksing, changeable wallpaper, etc...) or buy something else.
I would prefer arrow keys to be added, but more experienced than I have reasons for not adding them. And I have to think that if it was so easy, some one would have done so by now.
There's a little app for note taking called Sundry Notes that's free. It has arrow keys, horizontal and vertical. It has a bigler brother, Sundry Notes Pro, that's 4.99.
It can bring pictures and doodling to your notes.
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For anyone who's gotten this far (and as I am quoted):

My comment above (#38) was in direct response to a temper tantrum about the arrow keys - that has since been deleted. In no way was it pointed toward anyone else in this thread as I, too, feel frustration about the arrow keys and in using the magnifier.

It was just ... interesting ... to be reading this thread and then run smack into a hissy fit being thrown. From the degree of invective being tossed around in that post - from a person whose only post was that one - I got the impression the poster hated his iPad, Steve Jobs and anything Apple, so that is why I suggested he sell it.

Just so that you all know where I am coming from...

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When you're making a long post on here you can use two fingers to scroll inside the post, I didn't know that until someone told me but I'm a little slow.

I need some arrow keys, I delete way more than I should just to insert a letter or something
I'm going to have to try that. I try to not post in forums with my iPad because of that.
I have occassionally tried to find a universal keyboard that would be better. All I have found are ones that only work in specific apps. I have to think that the arrow keys are something that do not translate well from app to app. On a positive note, if a person wants to, they can use one of the universal keyboards by switching back and forth. I sometimes use the symbols keyboard to insert interest.
Thanks, great tip

Just a side note on word or letter specific selecting.

Obviously one tap and hold you get the magnifying glass, but another quick selection or editing tool is to double tap then long hold. Once you get the right combo you will notice instead of a round magnifying glass, you get a rectangular magnified text box that you can then drag for more specific word groups or sentences for copying pasting or replacing.

Thank you, I had no idea, very helpful. I have arthritis and use my knuckles to type, making positioning the cursor very
imprecise, your info is most helpful.
Mickey330 said:
Huh. THAT it did not know! And, it's just one tap at that - not even a double tap. Coolio!

Thanks for the tip.


It comes in handy when you need to delete a bunch of text or copy and paste blocks of text around. We should all post as many helpful hints as we can because some things we do on the iPad, others might not know about.

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