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Which iPad should I get being an iPhone 6 Plus owner?

I am in a dilemma that I have to figure out very soon. I am getting an iPad and iPhone 6 Plus from Verizon. I already have the iPhone 6 Plus in the mail. Not in my hands yet. I already OWN an iPad mini retina, but Verizon is giving me a special deal to get one with an LTE antenna, so I am giving my iPad mini retina to my parents, as they have always wanted an iPad.

Here is the deal, the iPad 3 didn't get updated, the iPhone 6 Plus screen is almost as big as the iPad mini 3 BUT I prefer the iPad mini size. Before I got the iPad mini retina, I had an iPad2 and hardly ever used it, mostly due to it's size.

Yet, with the iPad mini, I use it all day long. But I'm wondering if I will use it all day long once I have the iPhone 6 Plus? Does it make since to just go for the iPad air 2 so I have two different devices instead of having two devices that are very close?

Also, I use music apps to record music on the iPad, and the iPad air has 2GB of ram and a new processor which would make this even better. Yet, I have small hands, and the full size iPad isn't as comfortable as an iPad mini. At least the iPad 2 wasn't. I understand the iPad air 2 is thinner, but I am not someone that will be able to hold it in one hand like some can.

I also use the iPad mini in the car, I have a mount for it which is where the CD player is, so I can look at a screen bigger than my phone for GPS and spotify, music I have stored, etc.

I have the iPad mini 3 on order but it has not shipped. I can cancel and get the iPad air 2, which is why I need to make this decision quickly.

For people here who have both the iPad mini and iPhone 6 plus, do you find yourself wanting an iPad air to have a bigger difference?
When I got my iPhone 6 Plus I stopped carrying around my iPad Air. I was in the habit of taking it with me whenever I thought I'd have some sit down, reading time. I had been considering getting an iPad Mini Retina, but now I won't bother. While the iPhone 6 Plus isn't perfect, it's more than enough for almost anything I need to do when I'm out and about. And unlike an iPad Mini, it still fits in my pocket, if not as easily as the iPhone 5.

I still use my iPad Air. I'm using it right now. I just don't take it out of the house as often.
I had an iPad mini, and I gave it to my daughter when I ordered the iPhone 6 plus. I also use an iPad Air, which I always prefered, because of it's size.

These are my preferences. But I think it's different in your case. Better not order an Air, when you always prefered the size of the iPad mini. You might end up not using the Air at all.

My iPhone hasn't arrived yet, so I can't tell you if or how I use it. Maybe I'll have the same experience as twerppoet, once it's here, or maybe mine will be different. As already told, I always liked the bigger size of my Air.
I will stick with the iPad mini then. I have a 128Gb LTE from Verizon on the way. I do prefer the mini to the big size iPad and I have had no doubt about that. It's just that the iPhone 6 Plus is so large, I wondered if it would benefit me more having a larger iPad.

I do not think the iPhone will take away from my iPad usage though. As I use them for different things. For one, my music apps are not the same on the iPhone. Even if they were, 5.5 inch's wouldn't be great for them.

Browsing websites is really nice on the mini. I hold it with one hand and can do a lot. I know when I had the larger iPad, a lot of times I would just go to my MacBook because it wasn't like I could hold the larger one comfortably anyway.
I guess it's all personal preference.. I like BIG.

The iPhone 6+ isn't big enough for me, neither is the iPad Mini. And, I wouldn't mind if my iPad Air screen was 12 inches instead of 9.7 :) :)
I think the current screen size is just fine with the iPad, I just don't understand the logic of a 12-13 inch screen. I think future iPad Air can be made smaller and lighter whilst retaining the current screen size. They could shave 25% off the bezel on each side. I actually thought about getting a mini but then realized it wouldn't be any more pocketable than the Air so decided to get the bigger screen. More screen for work and video. If you only use it for checking email and browsing, I'd probably suggest the mini.

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