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Which keyboard is best?

I'm over the Zagg, I like portability.

Bluetooth keyboard for me. It's more portable and flexible than both the dock keyboard and the Zagg, so when you get hooked on it and start taking it to school with you, it's easier to travel with. It's also a great size.
SingingSabre said:
I'm over the Zagg, I like portability.

Bluetooth keyboard for me. It's more portable and flexible than both the dock keyboard and the Zagg, so when you get hooked on it and start taking it to school with you, it's easier to travel with. It's also a great size.

+1 :)
I've said this several times on other threads so I apologize for being redundant. But so are the threads...

The Incase Origami Workstation is a case for the Apple Wireless Keyboard that "unfolds" to provide a stand for the iPad/iPad 2. Very stable in either orientation and works with various (thin) iPad cases. (I use mine with a Speck clear back case and a SmartCover.) Enables me to use the iPad with the keyboard or leave the latter at home or in my bag. And for me, at least, the Apple Wireless Keyboard is significantly better than most of its competitors.

One exception (and the best bluetooth keyboard I've found) is the Microsoft 6000 Bluetooth Mobile keyboard. It's less expensive than the Apple, slightly larger and curved for better ergonomics. Has a separate number pad as well. Unfortunately, it won't fit in the Origami Workstation but coupled with a simple stand like the Bluelounge "Nest," it would work very well.

iPad "Nest" ($15) Bluelounge - Nest: iPad Stand and More

Microsoft Keyboard ($45) [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Bluetooth-Mobile-Keyboard-6000/dp/B002NP8XJ0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309350986&sr=8-1[/ame]

Origami Workstation ($30) Origami Workstation for iPad and Wireless Keyboard : Products By Incase


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Based upon the question posed in the original post I vote for the Apple Bluetooth keyboard.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
One exception (and the best bluetooth keyboard I've found) is the Microsoft 6000 Bluetooth Mobile keyboard. It's less expensive than the Apple, slightly larger and curved for better ergonomics. Has a separate number pad as well.

Microsoft Keyboard ($45) http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Blu...8XJ0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309350986&sr=8-1
Just curious...have you actually used this MS keyboard with an Apple product (if so, which)? The reason I ask is that Windows keyboards are often problematic due to improper key mapping, (control/option/command as well as the full row of F-keys) driver support and other issues. TIA!
Hello Brindley. Based on what you've said and as has been suggested, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase the Apple Wireless Keyboard (not the one with the doc) and the InCase Origami Workstation. Both are masterpieces of sorts.
One exception (and the best bluetooth keyboard I've found) is the Microsoft 6000 Bluetooth Mobile keyboard. It's less expensive than the Apple, slightly larger and curved for better ergonomics. Has a separate number pad as well.

Microsoft Keyboard ($45) http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Blu...8XJ0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309350986&sr=8-1
Just curious...have you actually used this MS keyboard with an Apple product (if so, which)? The reason I ask is that Windows keyboards are often problematic due to improper key mapping, (control/option/command as well as the full row of F-keys) driver support and other issues. TIA!

I've used it with my iPad. No problems at all but I have to admit that I'm not a big "special keys" user. You might find a better answer by doing a search on this board for the Microsoft 6000 keyboard. As I recall, a number of people use it.

In terms of drivers and such, though, it works like a charm. Connects quickly, easily, and reliably and works well in various notetaking apps.

If I have a chance I'll check it out more thoroughly with my iPad. I currently use the Apple Wireless keyboard with the iPad and the Msoft keyboard with my (PC) laptop simply because the Apple fits into the Origami Workstation that also holds my iPad and I do more typing on my laptop.

EDIT: Took the opportunity to test the Microsoft 6000 keyboard versus the Apple Wireless keyboard on my iPad. The function keys operate identically. Can't check the unique Apple keys, e.g. Command and Option, since I don't have any iPad software that uses those keys. And, of course, neither the Apple nor the Microsoft keyboard supports dedicated iPad functionality such as "Home."

It appears, by the way, that the Microsoft keyboard is available from www.buy.com for $29. It may be that the separate dedicated numeric keypad is not included in that price; I couldn't determine that. But if that is not a deal breaker (and the Apple Wireless keyboard doesn't include one either), the Microsoft keyboard is a very good buy.
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China or Retail?

Im contemplating buying a generic OEM bluetooth dock instead of cashing out on the apple retail products? Anyone purchase a generic one yet? Is it worth it?
One exception (and the best bluetooth keyboard I've found) is the Microsoft 6000 Bluetooth Mobile keyboard. It's less expensive than the Apple, slightly larger and curved for better ergonomics. Has a separate number pad as well.

Microsoft Keyboard ($45) http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Blu...8XJ0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309350986&sr=8-1
Just curious...have you actually used this MS keyboard with an Apple product (if so, which)? The reason I ask is that Windows keyboards are often problematic due to improper key mapping, (control/option/command as well as the full row of F-keys) driver support and other issues. TIA!

I've used it with my iPad. No problems at all but I have to admit that I'm not a big "special keys" user. You might find a better answer by doing a search on this board for the Microsoft 6000 keyboard. As I recall, a number of people use it.

In terms of drivers and such, though, it works like a charm. Connects quickly, easily, and reliably and works well in various notetaking apps.

If I have a chance I'll check it out more thoroughly with my iPad. I currently use the Apple Wireless keyboard with the iPad and the Msoft keyboard with my (PC) laptop simply because the Apple fits into the Origami Workstation that also holds my iPad and I do more typing on my laptop.

EDIT: Took the opportunity to test the Microsoft 6000 keyboard versus the Apple Wireless keyboard on my iPad. The function keys operate identically. Can't check the unique Apple keys, e.g. Command and Option, since I don't have any iPad software that uses those keys. And, of course, neither the Apple nor the Microsoft keyboard supports dedicated iPad functionality such as "Home."

It appears, by the way, that the Microsoft keyboard is available from Buy.com - Computers, Electronics, Digital Cameras, Books, DVDs, Music, Games, Software, Toys, Sports for $29. It may be that the separate dedicated numeric keypad is not included in that price; I couldn't determine that. But if that is not a deal breaker (and the Apple Wireless keyboard doesn't include one either), the Microsoft keyboard is a very good buy.
Ah, great info! Thanks for that! :)
Im contemplating buying a generic OEM bluetooth dock instead of cashing out on the apple retail products? Anyone purchase a generic one yet? Is it worth it?

I can't speak to generic OEM stuff, but I can vouch for the quality of Apple's keyboards. I've had their USB keyboard on my desktop for almost 4 years and it's still plugging away as strong as ever. I'm not terribly gentle (think of the hand strength of a massage therapist with the vigor and speed of a fencer) yet I've had absolutely no problems whatsoever.

Personally, I'll be getting their BT keyboard for my iPad when I start needing it just because the spacing between the keys will be identical and I hate, hate, HATE adapting to multiple keyboards.

That said, a solid OEM keyboard will likely work out perfectly. Just throwing my two cents at ya.
SingingSabre said:
I can't speak to generic OEM stuff, but I can vouch for the quality of Apple's keyboards. I've had their USB keyboard on my desktop for almost 4 years and it's still plugging away as strong as ever. I'm not terribly gentle (think of the hand strength of a massage therapist with the vigor and speed of a fencer) yet I've had absolutely no problems whatsoever.

Personally, I'll be getting their BT keyboard for my iPad when I start needing it just because the spacing between the keys will be identical and I hate, hate, HATE adapting to multiple keyboards.

That said, a solid OEM keyboard will likely work out perfectly. Just throwing my two cents at ya.

I also like Apple's keyboards, particularly the wireless BT without the dock which I always keep "accessible." I don't think I would go with an OEM, although of course it can work out.
For those who would like to color coordinate the keyboard with the iPad the new bluetooth keyboard for the HP Touch looks like it has potential. Reviews of the keyboard, in fact, are better than for the HP tablet.


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jsh1120 said:
For those who would like to color coordinate the keyboard with the iPad the new bluetooth keyboard for the HP Touch looks like it has potential. Reviews of the keyboard, in fact, are better than for the HP tablet.

Ooh la la! That is a good looking accessory!
I'm a big fan of the Apple BT wireless keyboard. I recently scored a Waterfield Designs case for it from SFBags.com. Fits it likes glove.

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