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Which one is the best:iWork,Docstogo,other


iPF Noob
Which one is the best and the most useful app?

I need it for studying so I need view,create,edit and share doc.,xls....
iWorks best

Which one is the best and the most useful app?

I need it for studying so I need view,create,edit and share doc.,xls....

iWorks best on the iPad

DoctoGo second best - love hate relationship with this one

all others trail miserably behind.
I believe that Pages is the best app for word but what about Numbers?You can't export spreadsheets as xls.Will it be possible in the future?It is big problem for me.

So Docs to go is better than Quickoffice or Office2 HD?
I hoped that there will be a huge discussion about your experiences and opinions. I believe that a lot of users are using "word,excel" apps.

So what are you using? iWork,Docs to go,Quickoffice,Office2 HD or something else?
Docs to Go is the only one that currently supports Office 2007 formats (xlsx, etc) and outputs to those same files. iWorks is absolutely junk for me. It's pretty and has nice features, but those features and prettiness are worthless to me if someone asks "hey can you send me that slide you are working on in power point?" because you can't export to Excel or Power Point with iWorks. I wasted 30 bucks on those worthless apps before I realized this.
Docs to Go is the only one that currently supports Office 2007 formats (xlsx, etc) and outputs to those same files. iWorks is absolutely junk for me.

QuickOffice does 2007 formats as well, though my workplace still uses 2003 so I haven't need the option yet. The issue with QO is Powerpoint support is minimal, at least now. You can view and swap slides and the formatting is identical to Windows, but creating seems to be out, as does presenting.

I agree that iWorks, like too many Apple products, is more about looking pretty than serious work. I wish it were possible for Microsoft to do some apps for this thing - I'd love IE and full Office support.
No perfect solution yet, unfortunately.

I have Docs to go - its the only one that allows you to receive an MS office document, edit it, and send it back. It screwed up the formatting on some of my powerpoint slides though, and its difficult to modify powerpoint slides. It seems to not be compatible with some of the new features in PP2007 like the shadows and rendered graphical effects.
I have used Quickoffice and Office HD2 and Quickoffice is much better, especially with the spreadsheet. I have not used Pages, which seems fine, but I have heard nothing good about Numbers if you need to export to MS office formats.
So it sounds like there is a lot of debate on this. What's the conclusion? No one mentioned Google Docs, Zoho, or Microsoft Office online?
Also looking for opinions on this.

I too am wondering what the better options are for working with Word/Excel type documents. PowerPoint isn't really a concern for me (in two years I've probably only viewed 3-4 at my company and I have my work PC for that). I normally only view/edit Word/Excel documents using either MS Office 2007/2010 or within Google Docs. Seems like Pages/Numbers aren't the best solution for me.

What is the general opinion of QuickOffice, Office HD2, Doc2Go and anything else for being able to do document editing and also possibly having direct access into Google Docs (instead of using Safari)?
tlgnome24 said:
I too am wondering what the better options are for working with Word/Excel type documents. PowerPoint isn't really a concern for me (in two years I've probably only viewed 3-4 at my company and I have my work PC for that). I normally only view/edit Word/Excel documents using either MS Office 2007/2010 or within Google Docs. Seems like Pages/Numbers aren't the best solution for me.

What is the general opinion of QuickOffice, Office HD2, Doc2Go and anything else for being able to do document editing and also possibly having direct access into Google Docs (instead of using Safari)?


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