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Which Remote Desktop?

I haven't seen any with all those features... please put out some concrete points, I am interested in it since I spend a lot of time in searching the best solution for me.

Definitelly is the fastest remote app available! ;)
graywolf said:
What's so special about it? The features match any vnc I already have.

Just out of curiosity, what are you using? I'd love a good remote access to my home computer from my iPad.


oops, never minds. Somehow the forum app didn't load the entire thread for me at first. Thanks!
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Splash top gets good recommendations, but it looks like you need to be on the same network to use it - unless I'm misunderstanding.


Richard I use Splashtop to access my home machine and two work machines (on different networks) You have to use (what I think is called) "internet discovery"...it is right in the splashtop client.

The app has worked pretty well for me. The only thing it is missing is being able to transfer files to/from your machine or ipad, but this I am told is coming soon.


I use logmein mainly for working on friend/family machines since you need the server portion on each machine. I use Jump now for my machine at home now- even let's you stream audio to the iPad. Another difference you may want to consider is that if you use logmein, anyone at home will be able to see everything you do on that computer. Jump on the other hand is based on traditional RDP so it will show the login screen and not your activity.
I haven't seen any with all those features... please put out some concrete points, I am interested in it since I spend a lot of time in searching the best solution for me.

Definitelly is the fastest remote app available! ;)

But doesn't it require an account on your PC for $140 a year? Pretty steep price to me.
+1 for TeamViewer

I've used LogMeIn and it works fine but I don't want to pay for the pro version, which has the file transfer feature.

can't find the free version in the app store. The only one is Logmein Ignition for $29.99. Any ideas?

jfolliard said:
can't find the free version in the app store. The only one is Logmein Ignition for $29.99. Any ideas?


Yeah, another down side to logmein. You can use free logmein on pcs and what not, but in order to use it on your iPhone or iPad you have to buy the app with no free version. It came with a free trial of pro version but it wasn't worth paying for after that. So I just use my free account and the app I paid for of course.
jfolliard said:
can't find the free version in the app store. The only one is Logmein Ignition for $29.99. Any ideas?


If you're referring to TeamViewer, I found it in the app store w/o any issues.
Jump. Love it.
That's good to hear graywolf. After reading some excellent reviews, I got it on a good sale over the 4th of July weekend, but haven't had time to get into it yet. In the meantime, Splashtop has kept me more than satisfied. I am hoping to find one which has something similar to the mouse in PocketCloud (excellent) combined with the ease of use and resolution of Splashtop.

There is quite a long, detailed, and informative video on Logmein in YouTube which has kept me away from it for now.
Is there any RDP-compatible remote access app that supports file transfers to and from an iPad? Logmein isn't compatible with a server running RDP.
Jump desktop does RDP and syncs the pasteboard between computer and iPad. So you can copy a link or picture from your computer and then paste it into something like safari or pages. And vise-versa.

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