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While Offline can I listen to songs which have been synced with iTunes? + photos


iPF Noob
Hi there,

The BIG question I have is, it would seem that I should be able (while OFFLINE) to listen to the songs in my iPad which I have synced to my iTunes, but can't figure out how to do it.

Just downloaded a bunch of apps, but can't find the music which <should> be in the iPad
Also, I have been searching the forum for a mention of how to import photos into my iPad, but can't seem to find it - or looking in the wrong place!

Would appreciate some help
Have a nice day
If you synced with itunes it, the music should be in the ipod app. If you've also upgraded to iOS5, the ipod app has changed to the music app. Probably because a lot of people were having your exact problem and not thinking of looking in the ipod app.

Search the forum for how to sync photos, there's hundreds of threads on that subject.
Thanks debrief,
I checked out the icon of the iPod, and when clicked I get a screen with a musical note and nothing else

Tks for the tip about pics. I can presumably get the pics in my iPod AFTER I get them into my iTunes. But none of the folders in my ITunes says PICTURES. So first I have to work out how I get the tunes in my iTunes library to sync to my iPad.

Sounds like you haven't actually synced any music across yet. Connect your ipad to itunes on your PC and then select your ipad under devices on the ledft hand side of itunes. Now in the right hand pane you should have various options across the top (Summary Info Apps Music etc.) Select the music tab and choose what you want to sync, once finished apply changes and sync.
Hi DefBref
You were abs right I had not correctly synced the music to my iPad. I have done so now, thanks to your help. Much appreciated :)
One more question is that in my iTunes (LHS) in the list of "Playlists", after iTunes DJ there are seven items (including Recently Added and Recently Played) all of which have an icon on the left which looks like a gear wheel. Further down, there is a bunch of items (including Recently Added and Recently Played) which have an icon like a music note.
Please could you tell me the significance of the two different icons?:eek:
The ones with the gear wheel are smart playlists, which is a playlist you can set up with certain criteria and itunes will automatically populate it. For example recently played will contain your 25 (or whatever the setting is) most recently played songs, and because it is a dynamic list, it will change everytime you play something.

The ones with the music note are just playlists that have been manually created, these are not dynamic and will not update automatically. Not sure why you also have Recently Added and Recently played as normal playlists (unless you created themselves), as they will soon go out of date.

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