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Who killed the iAd kiiler?


iPF Noob
Greetings fellow Apple fundis,

Still new to the entire iOS setup,enjoying my newfound ipad experience.....just find the ads that keep popping up all over the place a tad irritating.... After doing a wee bit of research, I discovered that there was an up called iAdKiller..... This did the trick two years back, but has since disappeared.... All sites that link to it are gone and the sites that do give directions with which repo.s to add to cydia to install the killer app... Well those repo,s no longer work... Anyone out there know who killed the app previously known as iAdKiller
If you're strictly targeting iAds, you can manually block iAds without a iAdKiller, but you'll need iFile or root access to your device.

root/Applications and edit the AdSheet.app and rename it to bAdSheet.appb. Then go to Location Services and turn off the location based iAds. It's an older method that I still have running on my iPad 2, haven't tried it out on iOS 6 yet but you can give it a go.
mmmh! Like getting me paws grubby, Using Ifun, i navigated on over to root/Applications but could not see the file AdSheet.app .... However there is indeed a folder called iAd and inside that particular folder is the file you mention willerz2 , well I renamed it to bADSheet.app and will report back on my findings...
Cheers and thanks.... enjoying the ride...

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