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Who wants their screen rotation button back?

Do you want the Screen Orientation button back?

  • Yes, bring it back!

    Votes: 224 74.9%
  • No, I like the mute button.

    Votes: 64 21.4%
  • I don't care either way

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • There was an orientation button??

    Votes: 4 1.3%

  • Total voters
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I have never wanted to lock my iphone 3gs, iphone 4 or ipad. Having it on the menu bar is fine my me. I would rather have the mute key just like on the phone. Makes perfect sense. But now my wfifi won't auto connect... GR that is FAR more annoying than a rotation key that I never used. Oh and the multi tasking doesn't work at all. The apps that work fine for multi tasking on the iphone always restart on the ipad. 4.2.1 is the biggest let down. It simply doesn't work and you are all quite right, we were better off with 3.2.2
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Ok, how do I lock my screen now? I sure can't deal with it flipping around all the time and can't sit still to wait for it!
Ok, how do I lock my screen now? I sure can't deal with it flipping around all the time and can't sit still to wait for it!
The same as the ipohone... double hit the home key and scroll along to the little rotate symbol and hit the icon. screen locked... SORTED! Hope that helps.
You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time. It's a damn button. Get over it. There are a hell of a lot more important things in life, no? ;)

Seriously, I don't care if it's a button, a few swipes, or if it takes some magic words - as long as I can mute the sounds and lock the screen *somehow*, life is good.
Exactly. Making a mountain out of a molehill here.

Meanwhile there was a thread some time back asking about what orientation you normally have the iPad in.... IIRC many if not most of the replies said they don't, or rarely, even change it.

That said there is already a jailbreak app out that turns it back into a rotation lock switch. (Cue the "I shouldn't have to jailbreak" frenzy lol.)

That said there is already a jailbreak app out that turns it back into a rotation lock switch. (Cue the "I shouldn't have to jailbreak" frenzy lol.)


I knew the jailbreak community would come up with a solution. I am a little amazed it has come so quickly. Now the wait for an untethered jailbreak officially begins! Thanks for the update!
Old news....I have been saying that for weeks now. It was bound to happen.
Uh, so what? It was not out then. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Not to mention the fact that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would know it would be out.

I am announcing that in 2011 a new iPad will come out. So now when it actually comes out it will be old news.... lol.
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Old news....I have been saying that for weeks now. It was bound to happen.
Uh, so what? It was not out then. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Not to mention the fact that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would know it would be out.

I am announcing that in 2011 a new iPad will come out. So now when it actually comes out it will be old news.... lol.

Michael, Michael, Michael....always make me laugh!

You and Digi both, are so smart ~ more alike than you know.

The question should have been...

Why don't people get this? It works the same way as it does on the iPhone and iPod touch, it mutes sounds, not music.

If you want to mute everything, slide your index finger down 1/2" and hold the volume down button for about a second. Is it really that difficult?

Where do you want the rotation lock control?

If you own an iTouch, iPhone you will find the same implementation there.
So the answer will be: the same place for all devices!

Have you tried scrolling through a display on tour iPhone when laying on tour side before the new release of OS?
I don't like that mute switch. Since it's a mute switch, i did ont use it once!
I use m'y iPad to read Books and magazines, sometimes in bed just before getting to sleep.

I want my rotation swith back. But i know Apple won't give it back.

Going back for a serious compagny is really not a good think to do.

So, bye bye rotation switch. It was a pleasure to meet you.
I personally LOVE the way the mute switch operates! I used to turn off notifications because I would be listening to music or watching a movie and constantly hear the chimes...it was so annoying! Now I can just mute it and still listen to tunes and see the onscreen notifications.

Now if there was a way to get it to stop pausing movies when I get a notification that would be perfect!
I just did a software update because of a new app that I had purchased and wouldn't fully download because of the update....

I ALWAYS use my screen lock....or should I say that I USED to always have my screen locked and now there's no way to lock it??

The way that I use my iPad, it was a pretty important feature to me and now they went and screwed it all up without even giving us an option! I'm pretty pissed about that!

Don't Fix It If It Ain't Broke!
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