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Who's getting an iPad Air?

I am going to get the space grey Air 128gb with LTE, even though I never use the LTE on any of my iPads
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I was going to get one just sold my Ipad 64gb but then I got a new 128GB wifi 4th gen for $500 am I going to be disappointed or will the jump I'm making wow me enough I won't mind? Deal seemed too good and only thing I wanted on my ipad one was facetime.
Nothing has really changed :/ I have my iPad 4G and I don't think I'll upgrade to iPad Air. They said they've done a great improvement but really you can't feel it, the speed and the processor. I agree with the weight. It is lighter but that's not a big reason to upgrade, in my opinion :). iPad 4G Rocks! :D
I bought my iPad 4 at the end of August and I'm a student so I don't have money to buy an iPad Air right now. Besides, I'm perfectly happy with my iPad 4 at the moment.
Too bad though that if I'd bought it one week later, I could download the iWork apps for free now. If only I'd known. Oh well, I have different apps for all my university work so guess I shouldn't complain. (Sorry for the off-topic part.)
I will be purchasing, yay! My iPad1 has retired to the hands of my hubby, which has actually encouraged him into the online world (he's a cowboy). I currently have the iPad3 64gb LTE which will go to my daughter. I am pulling the trigger on a 128gb LTE Dpace Grey to go with my iPhone5s.

Super Excited!
I am getting the new iPad Air! I have the iPad 3 and cannot wait for faster, slimmer and lighter! I will be there in line one week from tomorrow.
Iam replacing my ipad3.with a silver ipad air my Maine resin is to get rid of the old 30 pin connector.And why have we gone off you sing generation is it because IPad air is cool and new ipad a bit naff?
I currently own two iPads, the iPad 1 and the iPad 3. I'll be placing my order as soon as I can. Who else is planning to purchase one?

I have iPad 2 and Retina Display which I purchased last year. Can't justify purchasing the Air at this time. I WILL check it out at the store when the crowds die down in the apple store ;).

Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using Tapatalk
Moving up from my iPad 3, 64gb, Verizon to the iPad Air, 128gb, Verizon. Wife will probably exchange her iPad 1st gen for the 3.
My $30/mo. AT&T grandfathered data plan is on my iPad 4 4g LTE and no need to upgrade.
And my wifi only iPad 3 is fine right now.
I'd have to come up with at least $250 in addition to selling my iPad 4 64GB just to purchase the Air.
That's just to much money to fork over in less than 1-year since I bought my iPad 4.

Apple won't get any money from me this time around.
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