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Who's planning on purchasing the iPad Pro?


"You can see it on the website, with a caption that says it will be available in November."

I saw that, but thought there was perhaps a statement somewhere on the Apple web site saying when and how preorders would be accepted-----.

I wasn't aware of the app store app. I will download it.
I was hoping for the answer to the surface pro. It looks like we only get the "MacBook RT" instead. Regardless, I'll check it out, but I can't help being a bit disappointed.

Im disappointed too. To me, here are the issues:

1) No cellular support other than the top model
2) Overall pricing is high. Should have thrown in the keyboard or offered a one-time deal at the time of purchase for much less than $169.
3) No ports or "hard" connectivity. This is a PRO level model, allegedly. C'mon guys.
4) 32GB starting storage is too low. Again, think PRO level model here. 64/128/256 would've been better

I dunno - its hard for me not to see this as just a larger screened version of what I have now. Better speakers & hardware overall, yes. But not nearly enough to spend that kind of cash.

IMO. ;)
I'm liking the looks of the Pro more and more as I read about it in articles and hands on pieces. The size is going to be great yes, but don't forget the other aspects that add to the appeal. For instance, that A9X is gonna scream and the resolution on this beast is supposed to be out of this world. Then there's the accessories which I'm thinking are going to be a great selling point for a lot of people. I definitely plan on purchasing one of these, if not pre-ordering then very soon after release! I sold my iPad Air (1st Gen) at the start of Summer and I sold my Mini Retina at the end of summer, just the other day actually, so I'm in the market for a new iPad and the Pro seems like a great value to me considering the insane power it packs. (Plus rumors say 4 GB of RAM!!)... Insane!!!
Im disappointed too. To me, here are the issues:

1) No cellular support other than the top model
2) Overall pricing is high. Should have thrown in the keyboard or offered a one-time deal at the time of purchase for much less than $169.
3) No ports or "hard" connectivity. This is a PRO level model, allegedly. C'mon guys.
4) 32GB starting storage is too low. Again, think PRO level model here. 64/128/256 would've been better

I dunno - its hard for me not to see this as just a larger screened version of what I have now. Better speakers & hardware overall, yes. But not nearly enough to spend that kind of cash.

IMO. ;)
1) Although Apple has announced that they're currently going to offer WiFi plus cellular connectivity with the 128gb version we can hope that that will change in the future.

2) The price is not out of line, considering the CPU power and graphics performanceof the A9X chip. It's faster than 80% of the laptops on the market. Apple has never included major accessories in the purchase price. Neither does Microsoft with the Surface. Their keyboard costs extra as well.

3) iPads were designed as portable devices. Having lots of ports for connectivity defeats the purpose of having a portable device like a tablet. Even in its laptops Apple is cutting down on the number of ports.

4) How much storage is necessary is totally dependant on what the iPad is used for. Someone who does a lot of editing of 1080p video, for example, would need the largest offered storage capacity. I do agree they they should offer a storage capacity larger than 128gb.
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@scifan57 , only the 128 GB version of the pro comes with wifi plus cellular. I just double checked the apple site to confirm.

I too am disappointed by offering only 32 or 128 GB. At least start with 64gb. But in the bright side they didn't have it as 16 or 128 GB lol.
@scifan57 , only the 128 GB version of the pro comes with wifi plus cellular. I just double checked the apple site to confirm.

I too am disappointed by offering only 32 or 128 GB. At least start with 64gb. But in the bright side they didn't have it as 16 or 128 GB lol.
You're correct about the WiFi plus cellular model. There is the possibility that that could change in the future. All we can do is wait and see.
Agreed, a 16gb iPad Pro would be very restricted in what it could do considering how much storage could be used by utilizing the new features to their full capacity.
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considering it's size and processing power more inline with desktop class apps, mouse control would be a HUGE asset for me personally.
this literally it a laptop without the build in keyboard, so a bluetooth or wireless mouse option somewhere along the line would suffice just nicely me thinks
1) Although Apple has announced that they're currently going to offer WiFi plus cellular connectivity with the 128gb version we can hope that that will change in the future.

2) The price is not out of line, considering the CPU power and graphics performanceof the A9X chip. It's faster than 80% of the laptops on the market. Apple has never included major accessories in the purchase price. Neither does Microsoft with the Surface. Their keyboard costs extra as well.

3) iPads were designed as portable devices. Having lots of ports for connectivity defeats the purpose of having a portable device like a tablet. Even in its laptops Apple is cutting down on the number of ports.

4) How much storage is necessary is totally dependant on what the iPad is used for. Someone who does a lot of editing of 1080p video, for example, would need the largest offered storage capacity. I do agree they they should offer a storage capacity larger than 128gb.

Some fair rebuttals...but I still think Il be passing on this for now. My Air is doing me good and for the cost its just too tempting to get a MacBook or a refurbed rMBP. Im sure it'll be a cool device though. That big screen will make watching shows and reading a great experience. :)
Some fair rebuttals...but I still think Il be passing on this for now. My Air is doing me good and for the cost its just too tempting to get a MacBook or a refurbed rMBP. Im sure it'll be a cool device though. That big screen will make watching shows and reading a great experience. :)

Everyone's answer will (or should be) different; based on their needs and wants.

As always, it depends on what and how you intend to use your devices. There is little purpose in getting an iPad Pro if you want to keep using it for exactly the same things, and in exactly the same ways as your iPad Air. It would also be unwise to get and iPad Pro if you imagine using it exactly like a laptop.

Now, if you see things that it can do that you've been wanting, (or suddenly want in the wake of being shown what it can do), and your willing to give up the advantages of the other two devices in favor of the new iPad Pro's advantages; then it starts to look pretty attractive, even at the price. (assuming you can't afford, or don't want, one of everything)

That's where I am.

With the iPhone 6 Plus, almost all my ultra portable computing needs have ben met. My current iPad Air is mostly at home now. When I do use it out and about, the things I'm using it for are much more laptop like; meaning a keyboard. A bigger screen and keyboard start to look pretty attractive, yet I still don't want or need all the versatility (and complication) of a laptop. I like my iOS apps and UI. The Apple Pencil is pure candy. I like to draw, and I've always wanted to be able to take 'good' notes with a stylus (yet haven't found a pen/app combo I like).

It's also a respectable replacement for most of the things I do on my iMac. I'm considering not replacing it when it finally fails. Instead I may replace it's entertainment functions with and AppleTV, and do everything else on the iPad Pro. That's a trade off, since some things will be easier, and some things harder. But it's a trade off I can see making, and one that would save me $500 to $700 dollars over getting a new 27" iMac.

Just like the original iPad I'm not seeing what it wont' do for the price, but what and how I'm likely to use the new device, and how it will fit together with my other devises for work, and play. So, I'll be scrapping together the money; though I doubt I'll be able to do so before Spring. Probably not until tax returns.
I've been waiting for this model for years.
Definetly buying one at some point mostly as a entertainment device and maybe a little work. ;)
Reading comics and watching shows/movies should be amazing on the Pro.
I hope I am doing this correctly. I am not sure if you just reply or reply to thread. I apologize if I am wrong.

I do plan on buying the I pad pro. I do all things with my I pad. I am 63 yrs old, and my vision is not as good as it used to be. I hope the extra real estate will help. Also the split screen will be much better for me to read with the I Pad Pro.
There are other operating systems out there, but I love IOS. I am told there are limitations, and there are a few, but so is there limitations with the other operating systems.
With I cloud and cloud services, I do not see it is necessary to have a jump drive, although there are two that I use on my I pad 2. One is wireless and works flawless with my I pad, and the other has a male plug to plug in the I pad on one end, and the male plug to fit a standard usb port on the other end. It also works great. I can not think of any situation I need anything more. Maybe others do?
As far as the force touch, I am not really sure it will even work on a screen that size.....
I keep seeing the "Pro" compared to a lot of other devices, and I am glad those devices are out there.....the more competition there is, the better all devices will become. I prefer IOS. It works, It is easy to use out of the box, and does not contain the "malware" found in other systems to send me advertisements.
I am 63 years old, and really do not need others telling me what I like and want and am an idiot if I do not buy what they buy!
I own a Honda CRV, a Toyota pickup, and a service vehicle as I am self employed. They will all get me to where I want to go. It is the same for all our electronic work devices. Different brands will get us where we want to go. It is just a different producer....and we drive what works and gives us the best service for what we do. I use my I pad for my heating and a/c business, my flea market business, and my bible studies and they all work flawlessly.
Plainly put, my I pad air 2 serves me well, and from what I see of the "Pro" I see even greater potential.

Lots of things I can say here. All I can tell you is I pad works to meet all my computing needs and I am a forever fan!
Hope everyone can get one that wants one.
Hi guys, I'm new here. I have been working with iPads since first gen.
I've saw all progress in power and productivity, despite not being a fanatic.
I use an air2 for 90% of my work now, except for Microsoft project, which I use in my surface 3. Or still some full blown word or excel files.

I believe the iPad pro is bringing more productivity improvement. However, should Apple consider keeping the closed sand box environment they should, in my opinion:
a) create a pdf printer transversal to all apps
b) create an app for reading use devices, wiht a lightning/USB conversion
c) provide a search bar for the second app to split the screen (I believe that shortly the majority of apps shall allow split screen)

If the above is provided, I believe that it could be a serious player in the work market
I ordered the Apple TV today, and I'm definitely getting the iPad Pro. Using Slide View to access my calculator when I calculating homework scores is just great on my iPad Air, but I also use the Split Screen all the time on my MacBook Air. I want to be able to use the latter function on the larger screen of the Pro.

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