iPF Noob
Thinking of going to the Apple store before work, but concerned there will be long lines....or not? what is your thought?..
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I am going to Best Buy tomorrow around 7:45 AM expecting minimal crowd line.
See you guys out in the battlefield tomorrow! LOL
zman said:I got there 7:45am and was first in line. By the time they opened the doors, only 4 people total all looking for the Mini only. The store has 25 Minis and 60 ipad 4s. No white iPad minis though...not that I was looking for that
In and out in 5 minutes....not bad. I got $40 gift card too!
How did you manage to get the $40 gift card? How lucky are you?
zman said:Target price match....obviously that is very discretionary with each store, but I am Silver Rewards member over two times over They wouldn't want me pissed off I'm sure.
liveinla14 said:Got mine at the Apple store this morning. Got there at 745 and maybe 20 people ahead of me. There was a longer line on the other side for the iPhone 5!
AQ_OC said:I wanted into a local best buy (in the next city down, but closer to work) at about 12:45 and had a mini in about 15 minutes or so. Most of that was standing there waiting for someone to get it down from the case. No line, no nothing. I love smallish towns.
That is great news, I'll be waiting to hear how you get on with it?
The Archangel