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Why are you not jailbreaking?

Why are you not jailbreaking?

  • I am nervous about its complexity.

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Because it is against Apple's TOC and affects warranty.

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • I think it is immoral.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not know what are advantages after jailbreak.

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • I have already jailbroken.

    Votes: 26 31.3%
  • I am not interested in jail breaking

    Votes: 24 28.9%

  • Total voters
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I have jail broken my iPad precisely because I do not like being forced or told what I can or cannot do with the things that I spend my money on.

I love Apple products because they put so much effort into all aspects of those products. I just think they are a little too controlling outside of their own house!

I don't care what Apple says. If I wanted to jailbreak, I'd jailbreak. I haven't read about anything that I'd want to bother jailbreaking for. I'm pretty lazy, so I'd have to have a reason other than "because Apple doesn't want me to," lol.
Kaykaykay said:
I don't care what Apple says. If I wanted to jailbreak, I'd jailbreak. I haven't read about anything that I'd want to bother jailbreaking for. I'm pretty lazy, so I'd have to have a reason other than "because Apple doesn't want me to," lol.

Jail breaking isn't for everyone. There are many people who just simply don't have the need or desire or perhaps just simply don't know what they are missing.

I have read about a person who submitted an app to the Apple store and had it rejected only to learn that Apple itself is adding this feature to it's next version of iOS. For me it is stories like this that bother me. When the would be "sole provider" uses tactics like that it is enough of an encouragement for me to do a lot of research into apps that are available only for jail broken iDevices to see what else Apple is keeping from me. I want to learn about the full capabilities of this great iPad of mine and see if there aren't any capabilities that I am missing that will make it even better.

While I, too, have been guilty of interrupting this thread to talk about other parts of jailbreaking...

Please, people, this thread is titled "Why Are You Not Jailbreaking." It is not for other forum members (jailbreakers especially) to use to try to convince the posters as to why jailbreaking is good or the possible benefits. Or, even to defend jailbreakers reputation.

If you wish to debate a point with someone who has stated their reason(s) why they are not jail broken - and you absolutely CANNOT let it go - please do so via PM. Remember, however, in those PMs, that the politeness and respect is required the same as is expected for public posts. And always remember - everyone is entitled to their opinion and you really don't have to try to change someone's (everyone's?) mind.

IOW, stay on topic!


Question: why would Apple create a device and then not allow the consumer to naturally access ALL of it's features? My son has jailbroken his phone and it's amazing the things he can do that I cannot. He also jailbroke the iPad2 and now has (at least) 20 windows open compared to my measly 9!!!! What's the deal? Why not just allow us to fully use what we've paid for? PLEASE explain because I'm truly lost.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
blessed said:
Question: why would Apple create a device and then not allow the consumer to naturally access ALL of it's features? My son has jailbroken his phone and it's amazing the things he can do that I cannot. He also jailbroke the iPad2 and now has (at least) 20 windows open compared to my measly 9!!!! What's the deal? Why not just allow us to fully use what we've paid for? PLEASE explain because I'm truly lost.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

See the above post from the mod, this thread shouldn't be about non jail breakers having to justify themselves.....

iWant my iCloud
The simple answer is that by controlling the hardware and software Apple have created a very stable device that is perfect for most people - if they allowed root access then they could not guarantee the stability and usability that has made the iPad teh success it is.
Jailbreaking is not for everyone, lots of people are VERY happy with a device that 'just works'.
blessed said:
Question: why would Apple create a device and then not allow the consumer to naturally access ALL of it's features? My son has jailbroken his phone and it's amazing the things he can do that I cannot. He also jailbroke the iPad2 and now has (at least) 20 windows open compared to my measly 9!!!! What's the deal? Why not just allow us to fully use what we've paid for? PLEASE explain because I'm truly lost.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

See the above post from the mod, this thread shouldn't be about non jail breakers having to justify themselves.....

iWant my iCloud

Nick is right ~ This thread will be closed if this path is taken again and sanctions imposed.

Last warning.
For me, it's because I'm happy with the iPad as it is, and I cannot be bothered to jailbreak. I have yet to run into any jailbreak features that I am interested in adding to my iPad. The iPad is already pretty amazing, in my opinion, and I don't feel the need to change any of it.
It is a tough call, I agree with the previous poster - that apple have created a combination of device and OS to give *most* users everything they could need without stability issues. Other other hand I do find certain crippling of kit annoying. I think back to the xbox not playing DVDs natively and then the DVD kit being sold to 'add' this functionality (for add, read removal of the cripple in the first place). I see in iOS 5 tabbed browsing is being 'added', but this could surely have been implemented on day one?

Bottom line is I can see the interest in enhancing the existing system, but for me I am prepared to wait until such enhancements come as stock improvements, with the apple guarantees that come with that.

iWant my iCloud
First, allow me to apologize for any confusion I seemed to have caused by posting this question here. I was mainly looking for some "insight" from someone other than my son. Naturally since every apple item he owns has been jail broken, he is NOT the one to explain the pros and cons to me. I guess I just really wanted to know the purpose of creating something and then not allowing complete access and functionality of all the features. Some have said security issues, but again, if you created it with these features then (to me) there shouldn't be a security concern. Will someone please post a link (or the name) to the thread where this topic is being discussed at length? Since I am the one paying the bill, I don't want his tech savvy ways costing me money down the road. Thanks!!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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