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Why can't i download IOS 5?


iPF Noob
I use a pc laptop to sync my iPhone 3GS and iPad 2' it runs windows 7. I ha ve tried unsuccessfully all January to upgrade to IOS5. I deleted iTunes and re-downloaded it. I have installed the most current windows update and restarted. I have tried holding power and menu buttons down on iPhone while connected for 10 seconds (directions from another forum)
I have downloaded iTunes 10.5.3 today (iTunes advised of the update and I followed directions) still no link to iOS 5.
If I click on check for update it takes me to the documents library. If I go to downloads it offers the folders I downloaded with the updates in it( directions from another post) but it does not recognize the contents of the folders.
If I click restore the same thing happens.

It is driving me insane please help iPad forums experts?
I use a pc laptop to sync my iPhone 3GS and iPad 2' it runs windows 7. I ha ve tried unsuccessfully all January to upgrade to IOS5. I deleted iTunes and re-downloaded it. I have installed the most current windows update and restarted. I have tried holding power and menu buttons down on iPhone while connected for 10 seconds (directions from another forum)
I have downloaded iTunes 10.5.3 today (iTunes advised of the update and I followed directions) still no link to iOS 5.
If I click on check for update it takes me to the documents library. If I go to downloads it offers the folders I downloaded with the updates in it( directions from another post) but it does not recognize the contents of the folders.
If I click restore the same thing happens.

It is driving me insane please help iPad forums experts?

What web browser did you use to download the firmware version? Along the same lines, what is the name of the file extension that you downloaded (that iTunes doesn't recognize)? It should end with a .IPSW. if it ends in .ZIP, you probably used Internet Explorer to download it. If the file ends in .zip, rename it so it ends in .ipsw. Whatever you do, if it's a zip file, don't unzip it.

You could also try getting iOS 5.0.1 from this site's link here (just be sure to get the proper one for your device): http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html

The same caveats apply - make sure, after download, that it ends in IPSW.

Let us know if that helped ... any. If yes, yay. If not, holler back and we'll take another stab at it.

Good luck.

I'm having a similar problem. I've tried to download ios 5 several times, and after waiting 13 mins for the download, I get the message "...the network connection timed out. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active or try again later". I've been trying again later since January... Any ideas?
Hi Marilyn

Thanks for your help. You were right I did use Internet explorer. It was a zip file.
I have turned off my firewall and I am downloading it again. I have saved it as .ipsw after the description and the word restore.
I have backed up and I will attempt to upgrade when the download is finished.

Thanks everyone who contributed suggestions. Ipad2 updated successfully after 2attempts.
However my phone3GS froze partway through on the connect to iTunes screen.had no phone for 3 days. Eventually got it sorted by re-downloading software.completely uninstalling iTunes and every apple program and then putting them back in. I had to use another computer with a backup from last year. Sorting out all the contacts and apps I lost.hope iOS 5 is now worth the hassle.

Cheers everyone.

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