iPF Noob
I use a pc laptop to sync my iPhone 3GS and iPad 2' it runs windows 7. I ha ve tried unsuccessfully all January to upgrade to IOS5. I deleted iTunes and re-downloaded it. I have installed the most current windows update and restarted. I have tried holding power and menu buttons down on iPhone while connected for 10 seconds (directions from another forum)
I have downloaded iTunes 10.5.3 today (iTunes advised of the update and I followed directions) still no link to iOS 5.
If I click on check for update it takes me to the documents library. If I go to downloads it offers the folders I downloaded with the updates in it( directions from another post) but it does not recognize the contents of the folders.
If I click restore the same thing happens.
It is driving me insane please help iPad forums experts?
I have downloaded iTunes 10.5.3 today (iTunes advised of the update and I followed directions) still no link to iOS 5.
If I click on check for update it takes me to the documents library. If I go to downloads it offers the folders I downloaded with the updates in it( directions from another post) but it does not recognize the contents of the folders.
If I click restore the same thing happens.
It is driving me insane please help iPad forums experts?