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Why hackers should NOT release iOS 6.1 JB tomorrow

Like a complete moron, I upgraded my iPad to iOS 6.1 without reading about potential problems. Like LOTS of people are complaining about, iOS 6.1 on my iPad 4th gen is eating my battery life for breakfast. I'm sure Apple did this on purpose and here is how it will play out:

) Apple knows iOS 6.1 can be jailbroken from reading forums and tweets before it's released but they don't know how the hackers are going to do it. So they let their vulnerable iOS 6.1 out the door with a special little "coding error" in the form of horrible battery drain.

) Lots of people upgrade their iDevices to iOS 6.1

) JB for iOS 6.1 is released to the general public

) Apple announces that they discovered the battery drain problem and will soon release iOS 6.1.1 to address it

) Current iOS 6.1 JB is rendered useless with 6.1.1. If people want their normal battery life back, they have to upgrade. (Not a concern to people who don't JB as they'll gladly upgrade to iOS 6.1.1)........ Jailbreaking community can suck it......regard, Apple Devs.

I say the hackers should hold off because Apple will have to release a patch to correct the problem. We've waited this long, we can wait a little more. Man, I'm so pissed I upgraded last night before doing some research.

Moderator edit...removed inappropriate language. Please read the forum rules.
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Action Jackson said:
Like a complete moron, I upgraded my iPad to iOS 6.1 without reading about potential problems. Like LOTS of people are complaining about, iOS 6.1 on my iPad 4th gen is eating my battery life for breakfast. I'm sure Apple did this on purpose and here is how it will play out:

) Apple knows iOS 6.1 can be jailbroken from reading forums and tweets before it's released but they don't know how the hackers are going to do it. So they let their vulnerable iOS 6.1 out the door with a special little "coding error" in the form of horrible battery drain.

) Lots of people upgrade their iDevices to iOS 6.1

) JB for iOS 6.1 is released to the general public

) Apple announces that they discovered the battery drain problem and will soon release iOS 6.1.1 to address it

) Current iOS 6.1 JB is rendered useless with 6.1.1. If people want their normal battery life back, they have to upgrade. (Not a concern to people who don't JB as they'll gladly upgrade to iOS 6.1.1)........ Jailbreaking community can suck it......regard, Apple Devs.

I say the hackers should hold off because Apple will have to release a patch to correct the problem. We've waited this long, we can wait a little more. Man, I'm so pissed I upgraded last night before doing some research.

Moderator edit...removed inappropriate language. Please read the forum rules.

I think that the chances that Apple would deliberately release a defective version of iOS for the purpose of foiling a jailbreak to be as close to 0 as makes no difference.
[clip]Current iOS 6.1 JB is rendered useless with 6.1.1.

This much is true.

Apple only cares about jail broken devices because it seems these as a security risk. That's all. They will plug each hole as its discovered, however they have no need to play games to do so.
Yeaaahhh, no. If 6.1 is really as bugged as you say, and it "drains battery", then tons upon tons of people would be pissed off at Apple for screwing up yet again, and possibly drop support for them. If Apple truly knew about the hack, they wouldn't risk angering their customers just to try and release a "6.1.1" to discretely patch the hack.
I have not seen any battery drain on my iPad 4. In fact I think it seems to drain at a slower rate. I've been wanting to do a full drain as it has been a while,and it is taking a very long time to drain. I think the theory is more conspiracy than and fact.

MadChef said:
I have not seen any battery drain on my iPad 4. In fact I think it seems to drain at a slower rate. I've been wanting to do a full drain as it has been a while,and it is taking a very long time to drain. I think the theory is more conspiracy than and fact.


Search for the term "battery drain" on the forum. You will find countless posts linked to EVERY new release of IOS. I have commented on this literally dozens of times. Here is an example - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-os/67642-5-1-killing-battery-ipad-2-a.html#post477224

There is no IOS 6.1 bug that we are aware of that:

1) causes the iPad battery to drain significantly faster than expected
2) causes any kind of WiFi connection problems

These two issues crop up regularly after people upgrade their IOS devices. The working theory is that the update process has gone wrong in some way, leaving a process on the iPad in a panic state (which means it will run flat out without stopping, thus draining the battery).
As for WiFi issues, it is assumed that a configuration setting, certificate, or other file has become corrupt and is preventing proper communication over WiFi.

These seem to be artefacts of the update process. Apple has done a fantastic job on supporting updates between versions of IOS, but they cannot possibly cater for every combination of previous IOS and settings that folks will have on their devices. The "older" the previous IOS, the more challenging it becomes and the more likely that there will be issues. Apple expect you to update to EVERY release of IOS on the device and not leave big gaps in between, but folks often do...
This is really no different to upgrading a desktop OS such as Windows or OSX. Most of the time it will work, but sometimes you need to bite the bullet and perform a clean install to resolve issues.

The resolution for this problem on the iPad is to perform a FULL restore to the latest version of IOS 6.1 and to restore your backup.
It may not be possible to restore your backup data and eliminate the problem altogether, because the problematic "setting" or file could be in your backup, but it is worth trying to restore your backup once after a fresh restore.
If the problems persists after that, restore the device again and set up as a new device when prompted in iTunes.

A cleanly restored iPad on 6.1 does not show any symptoms of battery drain AFAIK (and I have 3 iPads in the house running 6.1)
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