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wifi issue


iPF Noob
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
Had my Apple cherry popped a week and a half ago when I got a 4th gen iPad that came with iOS 6. I also got the Smart Case for it at the time. When I first tried to use it to access my wifi at home, it was problematic for about an hour. After that, it has been smooth sailing since.

Today, my LapDawg O Stand arrived. I chose this stand over others because it was flexible and I would be able to use it while it was still in the Smart Case. The ONLY reason I got a Smart Case in the first place is because of the way it turns the screen off automatically when you close it. While it was clamped into my O Stand though, I had to push the physical button to put it to sleep. Big mistake as I have not been able to use my iPad with my wifi since.

At first, I thought maybe the stand itself was somehow interfering or diffusing the wifi signal. But out of the stand, out of the case, and much closer to my wireless router, the iPad continues to show excellent signal, but unable to use. I've reset my router several times now.

I start looking online to see what I might be able to do. Apparently, iOS 6 has wifi issues, which would explain the issues I was having the first night I had it. Anyways, I did what was recommended by resetting network settings, turn HTTP proxy to auto, and clearing Safari's cache, history, etc. I continue to see excellent signal on my wifi, but I cannot do anything with the wifi.

The part that's doing my head in is that every now and then, I get a very brief moment of clarity where I have full access to the wifi without issue. It doesn't last more than a minute though and is very few and far between. What can I possibly do? At on point, I even tried telling it to go ahead and install 6.01. It just sits there at verifying update. Which it cannot do because it doesn't know how to use my wifi! derp

Sorry, forgot to add that throughout all of the above, my PC has been able to use the internet without issue.
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Have you tried going to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings? This has been known to help with other users with your problem.
Yes, I did that. I thought I mentioned it in the opening post. Thanks anyways.
gtadem said:
Yes, I did that. I thought I mentioned it in the opening post. Thanks anyways.

Have you thought about calling the toll free tech support number and seeing if Apple can offer any help. You get 90 days of free tech support when you bought your iPad. You may as well make use of it.
Well after trying over and over, I was finally able to get 6.0.1 to install and for now, I seem to be having no issues with wifi.

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