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WIFI Problems

Fix for Wifi Problems with Verizon Fios

There are multiple fixes for this problem showing up on the various forums.
The iPad seems to work fine with virtually every router but the one from Actiontec that is supplied to Verizon Fios users.

The solution that worked for me (http://www.myappleguide.com/blogs/iphone-world/3471/fix-ipad-wi-fi-dropping-issue-with-verizon-fios-actiontec-router) was to change the router from WEP to WPA and change the wireless channel from "auto" to Channel 6.
Others may find that they get better results with Channel 11 or Channel 1.

If you do try this, be aware that you will have to set up all of your wi-fi devices again (in my case that meant 2 wireless printers, wireless blu-ray player, squeezebox and squeezebox boom). It was a royal PITA.

Hope this helps some of you.
My issue may be a bit different. I have multiple AirPorts around my home, a Time Capsule, AirPort Extreme and a AirPort Express. I find that the iPad locks onto one signal and will not flip over to a new network even when the signal is weak without me going into settings and manually moving to the new network. I've searched but have not found an App that would allow me to change networks easily from the "desktop", any suggestions?
I have weak WiFi signal. I live in a small three room apartment and I have trouble in the room 15 feet from my router. I was trying to show off NetFlix and it wouldn't load. On my balcony, which is maybe 25 feet from the router, it is terrible. My connection is 12mbps and on my balcony speed tests show 1.5mbps and stop intermittently.

My Droid gets 3/4 bars and it is exactly in the same spot.
I have the sleep problem only sometimes, I justmhave to go reconnect. Not to big of an issue for me, i would not give up on apple as of yet relese 4 is going to be big and who knows what will happen then.
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Had similar issue. Returned 64gb wifi to app lee store. New one started to act up. Solution to change wep to wpa worked. Also on fios.
Had similar issue. Returned 64gb wifi to app lee store. New one started to act up. Solution to change wep to wpa worked. Also on fios.

Yep I have a Verizon router and changed from WEP to WPA and also changed the channel and it now works flawlessly.
I have an iPad 64gb wifi and using the apple extreme router...at time, the signal bar goes to no bar but just for a few secs and it will vary between full bar and no bar... But connection stays connected..
My room is about 5 meters from my router...
we had problems with our i pad not recognizing our network. turns out after we called the techs out, that apple products do not recognize capitol letters in your network name...so if your network is titled Smith family network no apple product will recognize that! very frustrating to have everything in your wireless network functioning (printers etc.) only to find out your expensive new toy cant recognize capitol letters! hope this saves people some money/ frustration
we had problems with our i pad not recognizing our network. turns out after we called the techs out, that apple products do not recognize capitol letters in your network name...so if your network is titled Smith family network no apple product will recognize that! very frustrating to have everything in your wireless network functioning (printers etc.) only to find out your expensive new toy cant recognize capitol letters! hope this saves people some money/ frustration

I'm skeptical. My home network is titled "Trojan Virus", with both words capitalized. All my Apple products work just fine on it. My work network is "SAIF C", all caps. My iPhone has always worked fine there. Had a little trouble with my iPad for a while, but that has since been resolved.

Here, too. My network has three capitals, and the iPad and MacBook have no problems with it.

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