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Wifi slider grayed out after update


iPF Noob
Hi hope you can help long story short. After updating my ipad mini 1 to ios 9.3.5 the wifi slider is greyed out. Bluetooth works ok, tried factory resetting but no luck. Its out of warranty now with apple so took it to a professional repair shop were they initially diagnosed it to be the wifi antenna at fault. The replaced the antenna and did a top quality job of the repair however it did not fix the problem so they ruled out that it was hardware and possibly an IOS issue as its known to be common on 9.3.5. My question would be then because it is out of warranty can I downgrade to the IOS prior (9.3.2) were the wifi was working now a new antenna is installed and if all works their then update straight to ios 10 skipping the troubled 9.3.5?

note: its a cellular model too and can use 4g off it perfectly just not wifi!

Many Thanks
Unfortunately you're stuck on iOS 9.3.5. There is no way to downgrade to any earlier version of iOS. In addition, the iPad mini 1cannot be upgraded to iOS 10.

Have you tried restarting the iPad and the router?
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That's not the news I needed to hear! yeah tried all options you could think of mate, my only real option is downgrading to a ios version that worked. So basically apple have caused this issue then? as I cant go higher and cant go lower in firmware yet they will want money to put it right?
That's not the news I needed to hear! yeah tried all options you could think of mate, my only real option is downgrading to a ios version that worked. So basically apple have caused this issue then? as I cant go higher and cant go lower in firmware yet they will want money to put it right?
It probably isn't the software that's the problem as I too have an iPad mini 1 and it works perfectly on iOS 9.3.5. Your problem may well have nothing to do with the WiFi antenna but instead may be somewhere else in the circuitry. Did you take your iPad to an Apple Store for a Genius Bar appointment ? The appointment is free and they should be able to diagnose the source of the problem.
didn't consider that thought they charge for appointments. The nearest apple shop is about 2 hrs away. However their is a local stormfront store that is a re authorised apple shop.
Did you try a DFU restore via itunes? Other than that it is likely the wifi chip that is failed, which is not economically feasible to repalce.
Did you try a DFU restore via itunes? Other than that it is likely the wifi chip that is failed, which is not economically feasible to repalce.

I haven't how do I do that? If it was the chip is it a reflow or reball/replace type of job? Thanks
You'll need a pc with iTunes , then google DFU restore iPad and follow the steps. I'm guessing reball/ replace as a reflow would likely only be a temporary fix at best.

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