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Will 16GB be satisfactory?


iPF Noob
I am planning buying an iPad 2 in the next few weeks. Currently, the only major store that has any in my area is Walmart and they currently only have 16GB versions. I know that it will depend on how much I put on it in the end, but is this a good amount of space for this product? It might be the only one I can get so I am hoping that it is worth it. :)
Just my 2 cents but if you're not planning on storing tons of movies on it, I think it'll be enuf; I bought the 16 gig version and I've never been pressed for space. Other things like apps, documents, pictures, music, etc don't take up that much space. Flicks, do. So ask yourself if you'll be using your pad to store tons of movies or not. Whatever your decision, I'm sure you're gonna love it; I do!
I agree with airhead. I also have the 16GB. I am going on a vacation so I loaded some videos (movies). I already had a lot of ebooks, music, etc. that used less than 5 GB. I added 6 full length movies and it's only got 1 GB free space left but I'll delete the movies as I watch them.

It would be nice if Apple provided a SD card slot for such temporary uses.
Thanks for the quick replies! Luckily, I really am not planning on putting movies on it, so it looks like I should be set! :)
Think expandable storage is a wish that will never come through. With iCloud just around the corner Apple have the best excuse now. Looking forward to the announcement though!
Think expandable storage is a wish that will never come through. With iCloud just around the corner Apple have the best excuse now. Looking forward to the announcement though!

From what I've read, icloud is only for music purchased through iTunes making it virtually worthless to most users. ;-)
jmorton10 said:
From what I've read, icloud is only for music purchased through iTunes making it virtually worthless to most users. ;-)

But they are not making the announcement until Monday.......do you work for Apple?

The Archangel
Cloud computer storage is great as long as you can get to the cloud. There will be, however, times & places where you can't. So if you're totally dependent on cloud storage, you'll be SOL. :(
Cloud computer storage is great as long as you can get to the cloud. There will be, however, times & places where you can't. So if you're totally dependent on cloud storage, you'll be SOL. :(

Good point.

The larger amounts of cloud storage are usually not free either.

I use DropBox occasionally, but the free accounts are only 2 gigs so you can't really store a whole lot there.
I'm happy with my 16GB but sort of wish I had a 3G. I don't think I'd activate it anytime soon but the option would be nice. I know I could activate the WiFi hotspot on my iPhone I just think stand alone might be easier to deal with and my phone batt would hold up better.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black

It would be nice if Apple provided a SD card slot for such temporary uses.

Yes, it certainly would.

One way around that is to use an airstash WiFi card reader. I have one and it works super......
I wasn't aware of this device. $99 without any memory seems kind of high to me but it is a nice gadget. I'm personally willing to wait to see when others jump into this market and the price is less expensive.
It really depends on how you use it, for me personally 16 would be pressing a bit as I have a bunch of cartoons and other clips that I'd keep on it( movies I'm likely to swap in and out, so no big deal there), plus a lot of apps, mostly gaming but a few productivity apps as well.

If you're one to use it more at home, you can better get away with 16 but if you travel alot with it, you may find the 16 limiting. Plus in terms of resale, I think 16gb will be a tough sale in a few years as apps grow in size( which they undoubtedly will). I ordered a 32 wifi 2 days ago, thought about the 64 but decided to invest that extra $100 in apps instead.:D

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