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Will viruses on my laptop affect an iPad?

Bear with me here...I had some viruses and malware on a laptop. I ran Malwarebytes, superantispyware and AVG (free versions) and took the remedial action. Because I am paranoid I then rest my router several times and then bought a new laptop as I need 100% confidence for shopping for elderly family members.

The new laptop became infected with the SAME malware that affected the old one, before I had even visited any website other than Malwarebytes and superantispyware to download. And even though I have NOT switched that old laptop on since I thought I had isolated the issues with the free software.

I am in touch with a technical support subscription service (iYogi) but they cannot explain why this has happened. My ISP refused to accept that this even happened, saying it is impossible. Great.

I am thinking of getting an iPad on credit as Apple products do not seem to suffer the same problems. This is my STUUUUPID question: is there any way the malware and viruses that are affecting my laptops and/or router will or could affect the iPad?

I don't want to fork out another hefty sum to find the same problems. Any thoughts, guys? :)
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Malware on iOS is extremely rare, and requires both jailbreaking the device and intentionally downloading software from outside the App Store or the protected/approved sources in Cydia (the main jailbreak app store).

No computing device is 100% malware proof, but iOS comes close.

The chances that a non-jailbroken iPad could be infected by your computer or network is extremely small. At least not without you helping things along.
Thank-you! May I ask...What if I visit sites which are known to infect Windows operated machines, like video sharing sites? Not the illegal peer to peer ones, the standard ones...And the odd adult one.
Thank-you! May I ask...What if I visit sites which are known to infect Windows operated machines, like video sharing sites? Not the illegal peer to peer ones, the standard ones...And the odd adult one.

First, keep in mind that the term virus has a specific meaning, and malware is the 'umbrella-like' description for all sorts of malicious software. Second, there are no 'viruses' in the wild that will infect a stock iOS device (i.e. not jailbroken) - if interested, some information HERE, plus a little googling will bring up plenty of other pertinent hits.

An iOS device is immune to Windows 'viruses' but this type of malware can be passed on to a Windows PC, e.g. via an email attachment that is then opened by the PC user. Now, browser malware, such as hijacking, scareware, ransomware, etc. can occur while on the web, particularly when visiting dubious sites or those mentioned in your post; adult websites are notorious for hijacking your browser or redirecting to other other similar sites. SO, when on the web, regardless of what device or computer is being used, be careful. Dave :)
Hey, thanks, Dave! As a red-blooded male, are ANY of those sites safe?! We all need a little entertainment! :-))

I honestly didn't know that the viruses/malware from such sites could affect the Apple gear, so it's a good job I asked!

Do they have the same effect on iPads/Macbooks as with Windows? For example, can ransomware take-over your device? Can phishing be performed?

AND, how are such programs removed from iPads if the above can occur?

Thanks for that link, too. I am so sorry that my questions are so inane but I last used an Apple computer 16 years and things have moved on, somewhat! :-)

I have also learned of some music production software than can be used with iPads which makes them VERY desirable to me as a (very!) amateur musician.
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Thanks for your understanding,

Ski ~ iPadforums Admin || iPhoneForums Moderator
Phishing, by it's nature, can happen on any platform. The only defense is to be smart about what you click on, and what questions you answer.

Scareware can still scare you, but it can't actually install the software on an iPad. In general when you see a site, on any computer, that tells you you've been infected and you should click on a link to fix the problem, close the tab, clear history and cookies, and never go back to that site.

Ransomeware won't happen to the iPad itself. You could still find yourself with an online account being held for ransom, but the device itself is as resistant to this as it is to other malware. Accounts will be compromised either through phishing attacks, or hacking of the provider's servers.

Hold in mind this is about iOS, not Apple in general. OS X (the desktop operating system) is different. The risks are different. It is still a good system, and at least as secure (arguably more so) as any other properly set up computer system. But it is not as strictly controlled, so there are more things you can do that can get a careless user in trouble.

Any site that offers dubious or adult content for free is always suspect. If you want to be safe then use reputable sites. And yes, that usually means paying, as well as proving you are not a minor. Walking the Internet's alleys and back streets for deals runs the same risk as real life. You might find a deal, or you might get mugged. The risk is yours.
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Thank you all for your help and your analogy is a good one, twerppoet. I think I am still annoyed at my own naivety that the sites used, purportedly safe ones, turn out not to be.

I have decided an iPad is the way to go so I can also download the internet banking apps. Now, the only choice is...Which iPad?!

If I started another thread with what I would use it for to garner opinion (and also briefly discuss cellular or just wi fi option) would this be okay with the moderators/administrators? I don't want you folks to think I am spamming or trying to take over the show! :-/
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Of course you may start another thread to help you decide which iPad to pick.

If I may suggest - keep the question very specific (while realizing only you can make the ultimate decision). You'll need to have your question stand out among the [many] others asking the "which iPad" question... :)

Good luck in your decision and I am glad you got clarification on this issue, here.


P.S. Besides, we encourage people to keep each thread here to it's own topic. So, it makes sense to move a discussion about which iPad to buy away from a discussion on whether laptop viruses affect an iPad...

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