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Wireless Hard Drive to access ITunes on iPad 4?


iPF Noob
Hi everyone,

I am new to the forums. I would like to be able to access my movie and music files from a hard drive and play these back eg the music directly through the iTunes app on my iPad? I have seen that WD and Seagate offer wireless drives but unsure if the iTunes app will see the files and play from the drive? Also could there be latency issues with this sort of thing? My broadband speed is 30gb.
I was also thinking of another option and using the iPad to connect to my main powermac and accessing files over wifi that way? Appreciate your thoughts..
Welcome to the forum :)

The subject you ask about & various options around it is well covered in the threads here...
Network Attached Storage (NAS)

I expect a Mod will move your thread for you. :)

You are unlikely to get any latency issues connecting via wifi to either a wifi drive or NAS or even via shares to your Mac. To be honest, the type of setup you are suggesting is almost essential if you do not want to be limited by the storage of your iPad. Certainly I would find it impossible not to have NAS for our use. There are various ways forward, but whichever you choose, let me recommend an app to you - it's called FileBrowser. I have no connection with the developers, but I cannot speak highly enough of its functionality & quality. It will connect to any "server" that uses Samba or smb shares - which would include most, if not all, I should think. It's on the App Store.

Good luck with your research.

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