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With or Without +Cellular

I think that's a good idea. I bought my original Ipad one the week it came out and bought wifi only because our Palm phone had free hot spot at that time thru Verizon. I hated using it with hot spot. i bought the Ipad three with wifi/cell and do the month to month directly on the Ipad where i can start, stop, adjust if i need more. I use a data usage app to keep up with it and have only added more service one time on vacation (actually it just moved up the date for renewal a couple of days). I have the same on my Air and wouldn't have an Ipad without even though i recently bought an iPhone 5S. I use them fairly differently and having the cell on the Ipad is wonderful when traveling. GPS on maps and other apps is perfect also and you need cell for this to work.

I have read that if you keep the cell service on continuously it uses more battery because it is constantly searching for service--don't know if this is true or not but doesn't hurt since turning on or off is quick. Consequently I turn OFF cell service when I'm home and the iPad is on wifi. YMMV.
My iPad1 did not have cell.
On my iPad2, I therefore felt it was a must and made sure I got cell (ATT).
While I did initially use the cell during the first six months or so of ownership, I found plenty of wifi service or tether on my cell that allowed me to now save $129 on my new iPad Air.
So I went from not having it, to having it,, to now not having it again as don't feel I really need it.
My iPad1 did not have cell. On my iPad2, I therefore felt it was a must and made sure I got cell (ATT). While I did initially use the cell during the first six months or so of ownership, I found plenty of wifi service or tether on my cell that allowed me to now save $129 on my new iPad Air. So I went from not having it, to having it,, to now not having it again as don't feel I really need it.

Those that have a phone tether option are less likely to benefit from the cell data on their tablet. Of course, you have to carry around both devices too.
I've had a lot of advice from my "Bugs worked out yet?" thread a few weeks ago. I finally decided to buy the 128GB wi-fi+cellular. Stopped into the PX -- the only one they had had in this configuration had been sold. Went home. Kept seeing TV ads for the Surface2. Found a comparison article, which had the Air winning overall, but saw within the article something like "for a few dollars more you can upgrade (cellular) to "G4 LTE" for $949 (not the $929), so I figure, then, that there must be a (new?) upgraded version. Went to Apple's web site/store to check out the models available. Did not see anything for $949, and the cellular spec did say "LTE".... What really caught my attention at that page was the listing of two (2) versions of Air w/ cellular. Despite my understanding that the Air could handle (with the appropriate SIM) any carrier in the world, here is Apple selling two distinct & separate versions -- one for two of the major carriers, and another version for the other two major carriers. Well, son-of-a-gun..... :mad:

You may recall that I didn't plan on using the cellular feature, at least now; just wanted it for possible future use / "just in case." Anyway, considering this again, I've decided to get the Wireless (only) version, and just forget the cellular feature. Buying and owning an iPad Air should be fun, and it had become a big PITA. So, after work today I'm going back to the PX for a 128GB wireless, gray/black borders version. My mind is made up, and I feel a whole lot better. I can't wait! (I just hope they have one in stock!)

I expect the next time I post I will be asking how to do something on my new Air!!

This is a great support site, and I appreciate you all being so helpful. Thanks.
The US have always had 2 models of cellular iPad, 1 is for Verizon which uses CDMA Internet protocol, the other is AT&T which is GSM.

Once upon a time the Verizon model didn't have a sim and could only be used in countries which supported this protocol of which there weren't many. Whereas the AT&T model was the one to get if you did travel overseas and wanted to purchase a sim for that country. Now the Verizon model supports both protocols.

Have a look at this thread which has some links also for more reading on the subject.

Good luck with your iPad purchase!!
leelai - Thank you for the reply. After having a hard day at work, it wasn't very difficult to chicken out about buying my iPad Air today; maybe I was hoping for some sort of reply...

After reading through the forum link you provided and all the secondary and tertiary links, I feel that GSM is the way to go. While AT&T has good service where I live, it is pretty poor in other areas of the southwest. I think I'll change my mind again (!) and get a cellular model, and I suppose I'll go with T-Mobile and see if I can get that free 200MB/month. If that coverage is too spotty, I will get an AT&T SIM & service if I need it.

leelai - Thank you for the reply. After having a hard day at work, it wasn't very difficult to chicken out about buying my iPad Air today; maybe I was hoping for some sort of reply... After reading through the forum link you provided and all the secondary and tertiary links, I feel that GSM is the way to go. While AT&T has good service where I live, it is pretty poor in other areas of the southwest. I think I'll change my mind again (!) and get a cellular model, and I suppose I'll go with T-Mobile and see if I can get that free 200MB/month. If that coverage is too spotty, I will get an AT&T SIM & service if I need it. Thanks.

You're welcome!

I can understand why it unsettled you when you found 2 different models of the iPad cellular. So I'm glad you have now rethought it all once you read up about the differences.

So good luck once again and we look forward to hearing your thoughts once you do get your Air! It's an exciting time for you!!

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