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Wood Ipad Stand

I love that you are creative enough to make your own stand - very nice!

As to it being able to stand, I think it looks like it's got plenty of meat, I mean check out the little hockey puck I bought - if it can stand then littlebudha's stand should be really stable.


Thats pucking good,:o but then again its most like to be nailed down glued down or just magnets. I like that nice simple and works, always the best things. Nice one:D
Round piece of wood with a slot, works great on airplanes.

I actually started digging around for some wood to copy the one you built, to leave on my night stand.
Haha, these are very nice ideas. :D

I use a very small are eisel (sp.) to hold mine upright next to my craft area. It works great.

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