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Would an iPad 2 3G bought in America work in Ireland?

At home I have broadban for 33,000 Won (approximately $33 USD) per month. It is unlimited Internet and it runs at 3mb/sec. Korea has the fastest countrywide Internet in the world - faster than the US, Japan, and Europe. The infrastructure is extremely high quality and reliable. The only complaint I have about tech in Korea is the monopoly the Korean cell phone companies have on the market. For a phone to work in Korea, you have to have it's hardware ID code registered with the Korean telephone system. That means my two American iPhones are not capable functioning here, for voice. It doesn't matter if the phones are jailbroken/unlocked... the Korean companies have purposely set it up so you must buy your cell phone in Korea (but the phone will work outside Korea).
Hi, I used my iPad 2 with 3G and wifi all over Ireland last year. Worked great when the wifi was good. I didn't use the 3G however. But I hooked up Skype and Google voice and talkatone and even paid $10 into each account so I could call the states and I still have those credits! I was able to call back to the states using Talkatone for free. It was awesome. So as long as you have a strong wi-fi signal (which isn't always easy), you'll be fine.

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