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Would you buy an IPAD 1 now?

GeeWillikers said:
I think anyone who bought an iPad 1 in 2011 should have done their homework a little better...

Hard to say.

There was no indication that Apple would ship the iPad 2 so early worldwide. While the launch in the US was assumed to be in March/April, many assumed that it would take until the summer to ship in the rest of the world, just like last year.
jhood2323 said:
I was on the ropes like you too, but I decided I minds wells spent the extra $150. Two months from now when you see all the ipad 2 only titles .You'll be kicking yourself.

I think plenty of developers wont forget about the 15 million ipad1 user base
Personally I wouldn't as the lack of a web cam was the main reason I held off on buying an iPad 1. And I like the thinner design of the iPad 2.
jhood2323 said:
I was on the ropes like you too, but I decided I minds wells spent the extra $150. Two months from now when you see all the ipad 2 only titles .You'll be kicking yourself.

I think plenty of developers wont forget about the 15 million ipad1 user base

Yeah, I would be very surprised to see many iPad 2 only apps. From what I've seen there aren't a ton of iPhone 4 only applications for instance.

Things tend to get made for the lowest common denominator so they can sell to the most people.
Even without the iPad2, I find that there are right now far too many apps as it is, that I can't even finish using/trying/playing the ones I already have before downloading new ones. And developers will continue to build apps for both versions of iPad (and not forgetting iPhone, too.) So no worries in that respect for me.
Here's an idea for anyone thinking about upgrading from 1 to 2. Buy an Android pad instead now and then upgrade to 3 whenever that appears. That way you have every base covered.

Bingo! You took the words right outta my mouth!
GeeWillikers said:
I think anyone who bought an iPad 1 in 2011 should have done their homework a little better...

Hard to say.

Not to me. The hint that a second gen is coming has been out there since about two days after the first gen hit - hints have only gotten more frequent and more detailed since.

If it were me, I would have either:

1 - taken a hard look at the specs of the first gen and decided if they would accomplish what I was looking for...


2 - waited until the second gen unveil to see what the official specs of the new device were going to be.

Anything in between is called a "decision" and is my choice and no one's fault but mine..

Pretty simple IMO.
I've been looking in the classifieds (online, different forums, local craigslist ads) and surprisingly, the majority of people are wanting MORE for their iPads than what Apple is selling their refurbs for. Plus, the refurbs from Apple (no different than if you got a replacement from the Genius Bar) all come with brand new cases and brand new batteries inside of them.

The only down side to buying from the Apple store is the sales tax can add no another $30-$60 to the price, which then gets to you to the same (or slightly higher) price as what people are trying to sell their used ones for.

My goal right now is to find a 32 gb 1st gen iPad with WiFi for a good price (used or refurb from Apple), rather than buying a brand new iPad2.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:

But many used iPads are still covered by the Apple Warranty, as the one year is not yet over.

You're missing the point. If you buy from Apple you get a years worth of warranty. If you buy elsewhere you get less. To me the cost of tax was worth it for the one year warranty.
thekarens said:
You're missing the point. If you buy from Apple you get a years worth of warranty. If you buy elsewhere you get less. To me the cost of tax was worth it for the one year warranty.

thekarens said:
You're missing the point. If you buy from Apple you get a years worth of warranty. If you buy elsewhere you get less. To me the cost of tax was worth it for the one year warranty.

How am I missing the point?

If you have the option of buying from Apple with sales tax and 1 year warranty, or buying a used 2 month old without tax, then for the latter, you would still have 10 month Apple Warranty, but save ~$60 in tax.

The main question would be, whether these extra 2 month for Apple Care are worth paying the tax. It doesn't have go be 2 month less, but depending on how old, or rather new the iPad is, it may be worthwhile to get a used one instead.
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